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Since the events of that morning I found that Tomura was being extra clingy. I didn't mind at all, but it was a bit strange. Even while I cooked breakfast, he was standing by my side offering to help. Perhaps something I'd said had gotten to him. Did I bring up a bad memory? Did I say something right? I didn't know what had caused the sudden change.

Laying on the couch with Tomura laying on me, I watched an old anime that I'd seen countless times. He'd specifically requested it for whatever reason, but end up falling asleep. I'd messaged Dabi, telling him to just come in when he came over. I even went as far as suggesting pajamas since I was sure we'd be playing couch potato all day.

When Dabi walked in with a few bags I pressed my index finger to my lips, signaling him to be quiet. He was wearing black sweats and a black t-shirt. He'd followed my directions to be quiet and sat by me on the couch.

"Did he stay up all night?" Dabi whispered at a barely audible level.

I shook my head. "Let's go with it was a tiring morning." His unamused expression almost made me chuckle. "It's strange, he's not left my side since we woke up. After our shower he has been super affectionate."

"First time is usually enough to put a man in a trance for a day or two." He carefully put his feet on the coffee table.

"What if I told you it was the second time?" I asked quietly.

Dabi raised an eyebrow at me. "Either you are amazing in bed or there's something else causing this." He thought for a moment. "Did you do or say something that might have gotten to him?"

I thought of all I'd done and said that morning. "We woke up, cuddled like we usually do, had sex, showered, had breakfast, and then he requested this show." I motioned to the tv.

"So, did you do anything special during your little ride on the crust express?" He kept his voice low.

"I mean I did all of the work this time." I shrugged nonchalantly.

He nodded as he crossed his arms. "There's your answer. Most women don't do shit."

Furrowing my brow, I looked directly at my friend. "Dabi, are you insinuating that you have had some experience?"

This made him chuckle. "A lot, hun." He smirked, as he handed me a couple of drinks. "Thought I could supply snacks for a more authentic gaming experience."


"Ok, we should be able to clear this floor and reach the vault before the police arrive." I stated tensely. "I'll keep an eye on the cameras. Shiggy, you blow the vault open. Asshat, cover us, guards will try to arrest us."

Throwing a flash bang, I hid around the corner. Once it went off we walked down the hall, guns a blazing. Dabi watched our tails as we cleared the hallway. When we reached the vault Tomura and I immediately got to work.

"I wonder what a real heist is like." Dabi pondered aloud.

"I'm sure Yuki would know." Tomura replied.

"No idea." I responded. "I'm always behind the monitor."

Dabi shrugged. "Isn't your character behind one now?"

"Yeah, but he's actually in the shit." I answered. "For me it has always been a bit like playing this game here. I sit behind a screen watching the characters run their course as I take down every bit of security that separates them from their goals."

"Maybe the League should try to do a heist." Dabi suggested. 

"We don't need any money." Tomura commented.

As we loaded our backpacks I pondered the possibilities. "With Keigo tucked away in our basement it wouldn't be too hard to go to Kyushu and take advantage of their weakness." We ran through the hallways, shooting anyone in our way. "Besides, his little support agency has been working on some high end tech. I'd like to get my hands on some of their gear so I could modify it."

When our characters climbed in the getaway van Tomura looked up at me. "We could let you take the lead."

Dabi looked like he'd witnessed an anomaly. "What?"

"I could gather the information and see what day is best to go through with this." I responded. "You seem awfully cooperative today."

Tomura glared at me. "Don't get the wrong idea." He grumbled. That's the Tomura I knew. "If we  get upgrades to our gear we can move toward our main quest faster."

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