What Happens In The Dark

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Crusted blood and dirt covered my body. Both my nose and thigh had stopped bleeding and the pain in my face had nearly subsided. A low growl sounded from my stomach. Hunger caused my body to ache more than the original pain of the beatings. With dry lips I sucked in sharp, painful breaths.

It started to seem like Matt had given up on me for the night. After our little lunchtime meeting it wouldn't have surprised me at all. I had pissed him off pretty bad. The fact that he almost snapped bad enough to kill me did have me shaken to my center. Perhaps I could have went about things a little nicer. From that point on I'd have to in order to stay alive, but maybe I'd done the right thing. If he expected my psychotic side during his next visit perhaps giving him my slight disgust wouldn't get me killed.

The light flickered before leaving me in darkness. I couldn't see a fucking thing. Was this a new way for Matt to try instilling fear in me? Truth be told, it was kind of working. Keeping up a hard ass persona wasn't so easy when you were naked in a cold dark room. The silence caused my heart to race loudly. Weakly, I tried to shove myself in the furthest corner from the door.

The door swung open with a bang and I held my breath. A light came from the darkness, practically blinding me. I forced myself to stare in the direction of the door, but I couldn't see. A scowl stayed put on my face while I took in heated shallow breaths. The light scanned over to me before footsteps ran to me.

"Yuki!" Spinner's voice melted my walls as I was finally able to see him. 

"Shigaraki is not going to be happy when he sees her like this." Compress shook his head.

"Spinner." My voice faltered. "Compress." Tears fell down my face. "I'm so sorry."

"Hush now." Compress ordered softly as he removed his jacket. "This is not your fault." After Spinner freed me from my bindings Compress handed over his jacket. "Wrap her in this, I'll go get Shigaraki and Dabi before there's no chance of getting through to them." 

Spinner wrapped me in Compress's jacket and pulled me into his lap. "Sorry we took so long, Shigaraki and Dabi were nearly unmanageable when they told us what happened." He pulled a bottle of water from his pants pocket. "We were all a bit shaken when they explained the situation." He held the bottle, helping me drink. 

"What happened to the lights?" I asked through sobs. 

Spinner chuckled as he sat the water bottle down. "That was actually my fault." He tried to keep a smile. "Amidst the carnage I shoved the head of a hardening quirk user into the breaker box." 

I smiled and sniffled. "I would have loved to have seen that."

"Yeah, I'm sure I could do it again sometime." He joked before rubbing my back to comfort me. "I feel like I should let you know that you will be seeing Shigaraki at his worst. None of us have ever seen him this pissed off, but I am sure you'll be happy to know that he and Dabi worked together to find you." 

Footsteps ran in from the darkness. As another light poured in through the door Spinner shielded both of us from being blinded. "Watch where you shine that shit!" Spinner yelled grumpily.

The light was thrown to the side as Tomura ran to us. He shakily fell to his knees in front of us. He was breathing heavily with a look of rage filled relief.

"Yuki." Tomura whispered dejectedly. 

I tried to smile, but it was replaced with a full on breakdown. "Tomura!" I cried out brokenly. "I'm so sorry!"

"Shut up!" Tomura snapped. "Stop saying you are sorry for something that I could have prevented!" His words were harsh, but I knew it was only because he was furious. His breathing picked up as he lifted the jacket Compress had left behind open. "Which one was it?" He question firmly. 

Blue light joined us as a group of footsteps entered the room. Dabi tossed a beaten Matt to the center of the room causing him to stumble and fall over the chair. "That shit stain is the one in charge." Dabi, spat. "I think his name is Max or some shit."

"Matt." I muttered as I continued to cry. 

Tomura kissed my forehead gently. Standing, he placed the hand he kept on his face on my chest. "Hold onto that for me, princess."

Dabi and Tomura switched spots as the rest of the league stood behind Dabi. My body hurt so bad, but I couldn't stop sobbing and trembling. Dabi lifted me from Spinner as I held tight to the hand that had been placed in my care. Matt's blood curdling screams filled the room, blocking out whatever Tomura had been saying.

"I'll need a house key." Dabi sighed, looking me over. "Shigaraki is going to need time to recover from this."

Part of me wanted to watch as Tomura removed Matt's character file from our game, but I was exhausted. "Did you guys bring a first aid kit?" I asked.

"Yes, and Ujiko is waiting at the house." Dabi answered.

Spinner helped me drink again as Toga tried to wiggle in by him. Dabi started to glare, but I shook my head. My hand gently rested atop her head, enjoying the softness of her hair. She started digging through a small pink bag that Twice had been carrying.

"I brought you something." She said sweetly, holding up a chocolate chip granola bar. 

Compress opened the snack and handed it to me. As I started to eat the snack the screaming turned to gargling. The group cleared away as Tomura approached us. He slid his gloves on before he took me from Dabi's arms. My eyes were starting to become heavy.

Tomura's dejected eyes met mine as he carried me out of the room I had been kept in. After we'd went through too many hallways to count we ended up at a door. The cool night air was still and smelled of nature. We all climbed in the back of the cargo truck while Spinner started up the engine. Tomura sat in the corner, holding me in his lap, resting his head on my chest. It didn't take long for me to feel safe once more. 

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