How Long

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Warmth on my back woke me up gently. Tomura was sound asleep against my chest. The smell of cigarette smoke drifted from behind me.

"Hey." Dabi whispered. "I brought you breakfast and you have company."

Yawning, I pulled Tomura closer to my chest. "Ok, give me a minute." Dabi walked out without another word. Tomura's hair was soft between my fingers. "My love." My voice remained low.

The way Tomura's eyes fluttered open put a smile on my face. "Princess?" He responded groggily.

"Dabi is home." I informed him while I started to get up. "I'm going to go eat, ok?"

After he nodded, his head smacked down against the pillow. It was funny how something as simple as a sleepy Tomura made my day seem so much brighter. Walking out of the bedroom, I smiled to myself. Though I knew Tomura was going to fixate on what he could have done differently it felt nice to at least have him in the house again.

"Morning." Spinner greeted from the couch.

A brief moment of confusion passed through me until I remembered Dabi saying I had company. "Morning." I smiled tiredly. "Oh, you were right, Dabi."

"I usually am, but what was I right about this time?" Dabi asked as I plopped down on the couch beside him.

"Tomura told me he loves me this morning." I explained as I grabbed what I assumed to be my breakfast.

Dabi kicked up his feet, putting his breakfast in his lap. "Ya know, I wondered what was up with the half-done taco meat until I realized his shoes were by the door."

Spinner, who I was seeing dressed comfortably for the first time, added his input. "He was probably the last one to realize that, that's what he was feeling." He sat back with his arms crossed. "It's funny to think that he has the word love in his vocabulary now."

"Well, I do." Tomura remarked, trudging in tiredly. "I couldn't go back to sleep without you, Yuki."

Tomura sat by me and flopped over against me. "I'm sorry, love." I apologized.

Tomura put his head in my lap. "It's fine."

"So, Yuki," Spinner tried to start a new conversation, "how are you feeling?"

Mulling the question over, I played with my chopsticks. "Sore, tired, and a little fucked up mentally, but overall I'm glad to be home."

"What's bothering you mentally?" Spinner asked with concern.

Pointing to my neck, I explained. "Well, this little cut was nearly a big one, a fatal one at that."

Dabi ran his thumb over the wound. "Do you know what his motives were?"

"Originally, kill me or sell me." I replied.  "I guess when he got me stripped down he decided a forced marriage and a hole to fuck were much more appealing."

"Did he-" Dabi's words trailed off.

"No, at least I don't think so." I answered. "Every time he came in he'd wake me up."

Spinner groaned. "Almost 4 days with-"

"4 days!" I shrieked.

My heartbeat was hard enough for me to hear it. I thought I'd only been there for a day. What the fuck had happened to me while I was out?! Why did it take so long for the league to find me?! Everyone, including Tomura, turned to me in shock.

"How long do you remember being there?" Dabi asked gently.

Tears filled my eyes and my stomach went sour. "I-I..." Shaking, I choked on my words. "A-a day." My body was telling me to leave the room, but Tomura had already sensed my panic.

"Princess." He sat cupping my cheeks in his hands. "Look at me."

My brain scattered for answers. There was no way I'd been there for that long. Nearly 4 days? How?

"Yuki." Dabi tried to pull me from my head.

"Wh-what took so long?" I muttered.

Spinner kneeled in front of me with his head hung. "We tried so hard to find you, but we had so little information."

"The GPS signal cut off about 5 minutes after you left." Dabi informed me.

"We had to go to Hannah to get help." Tomura explained.

Realization kicked in, nearly causing me to puke. "Matt was a hacker like me... he probably cut the signal somehow." I mumbled to myself.

"These two were up for days tracking you down." Spinner informed me with a sad tone. "Teris even had to get involved. Some of us didn't sleep that entire time. All we could do was search. The lady at the arcade finally got a tip on where Matt was and we rushed to you."

"Matt took over for Mack, but that entire organization was falling apart." Dabi added. "I'm pretty sure we went to about 7 different places before we finally found you."

Around 3 days of my life were unaccounted for. My worries immediately went to my quirk. Looking at Dabi, I tried to activate it. He gave me a thumbs-up and a smile. I wasn't quirkless.

A breath of relief left me. "Well... I'm glad I'm home now."

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