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Breakfast had passed and I was doing infinitely better. I'd been changing my bandages when Dabi rushed in the front door. He quickly handed Tomura his phone and waited.

"Ran into him last night at a bar." He said... enthusiastically? It was what I'd consider enthusiastic for Dabi.

"Keep him under your thumb and meet with him tonight." Tomura responded.

"Ok." Dabi started typing.

"Show me." I ordered Dabi.

Dabi looked to Tomura who looked back with a blank expression. "Show your second in command."

Dabi seemed puzzled, but handed me the phone. Blocking out the chatter between them, I read through the conversation. Dabi had ran into Hawks who showed interest in joining the LOV. They'd be meeting tonight for some kind of discussion.

"I'll be joining you." I stated as I returned Dabi's phone to him. Tomura and Dabi looked at me like I'd lost my mind. "It's not up for debate."

"Fine, fire ant." Dabi agreed. "I'm going to go home and get ready."

Dabi left in a hurry. He could probably sense Tomura's frustration. Tomura looked at me dead serious. I was about to get an ear full.

"You are still healing." He nagged. "You don't need to go with Dabi. He can handle this himself. If you go-"

"I'm going, Tomura." I stated plainly. Straddling his lap, I leaned in close. "Remember, I'm your number two. I'm going to make sure this hero isn't going to fuck us over." My lips brushed against his neck. "I'll do anything to see that your dreams come true, player one."

Tomura hummed softly. "You know you're mine, right?" He growled possessively. "If Dabi lays a finger on you he'll lose the whole arm."

"Dabi knows who I belong to. There's no need to worry." I assured him, letting my words tickle his neck.

Another soft hum came from him. Our lips met with an intense hunger for one another. My hands cupped his face gently as our tongues danced with each other. He went to move, but pressed into me gently. A soft moan escaped me into our heated kiss.

He quickly pulled back and averted his gaze. "I don't think I'm ready." He muttered.

"I was ok with making out." I informed him softly.

His eyes lit up as he reconnected our lips.


With my hood up and my hands in my hoodie I walked beside Dabi. We were meeting with this hero in some abandoned warehouse. If he truly wanted to join the league he'd have to gain my trust. Until then he'd be viewed as a threat.

"Try to play nice." Dabi teased.

Giggling, I looked to my friend. "As if I'm a threat."

He smirked. "I've seen that cold blooded side of you twice now." He stated. "You know normal people don't slash throats without a second thought, right?"

"What makes you the expert on normal people?" I joked.

"Never said I was." He replied.

We got to the building and walked in through a side door. There were large crates sitting around covered in dust. This was the perfect meeting place for this occasion.

I perched myself atop one of the crates. Balancing on my toes, I squatted down with my elbows resting on my knees. Dabi stood in front of the crate, facing me. I was perfect hair ruffling level, so I did just that.

Dabi glared and growled. "Bitch, I'll toast your ass."

"Do it big guy." I taunted.

He shook off my hand. "How's the arm?" He asked.

"Sore, but it's getting better." I answered. "The ointment is from the black market. Some doctor designed it to cut the healing time in half. It should be closed up in a week or so."

"I didn't know you were brining a friend." The hero said happily as he strolled in.

I dropped my hood and tilted my head. "What is your real name?" I questioned.

Dabi leaned back against the crate, letting me do the talking. "Not just a friend, but a woman." Hawks chuckled. "Why my real name?"

"Because we need that kind of information for the wall of good noodles." I joked sarcastically. "It builds trust on our side."

He laughed playfully. "And she has a sense of humor. My real name is Keigo Takami." He smirked. "I'd like to know your name, beautiful."

"For now you may call me Yoru." I informed him. "Why do you want to join our League?"

"Well, Yoru, after becoming a hero I realized how polluted our society is with trash 'heroes,' so I thought why not take out the trash?" He air quoted heroes. "Besides, I can serve as a direct line to the hero society. When you want information I'll be your guy."

"You'll have to go through a few tests first." Dabi informed him. "A name alone isn't enough to prove your trustworthiness."

"I get it." Hawks replied casually. "You can't be too careful nowadays." 

Hopping off of the crate I walked over to the hero. "So, you'll be keeping in touch with Dabi regularly?"

"I will." He answered, watching me as I looked him over. "I'd like to have a way to talk to you as well."

"You'll have to earn that privilege." I responded coldly. "After you get approval from our leader I might consider the idea of making your acquaintance. Until then, it will be short leashes, bud."

I returned to Dabi's side eyeing down the hero. There was no way in hell I trusted this man. To let him anywhere near our base was out of the question, but I trusted Dabi's ability to handle the situation. I'd just keep a close eye on the subject until the scales tipped one way or another.

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