So Unplanned

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Sitting on the couch with Shigaraki, we finished the sushi he'd brought. He hadn't said much, but he seemed to be a bit tense. He'd had a couple glasses of bourbon which was strange seeing as the first time we met he seemed to be more of a slow drinker.

"Kurogiri said that you like sushi, so I thought it would be a nice way of thanking you." Shigaraki finally broke the silence.

A smile softly tugged at the corners of my mouth. "It was very nice." I replied. "Thank you."

He poured himself another glass and sat back with his foot up on the coffee table. "You made my team happy." He stared at his drink. "That means a lot to me."

"Are you happy?" I asked, looking to him. "I designed the layout with Kurogiri's help. He said it should suit you well."

"It's nice." He replied shortly.

"You have quite the team." I giggled. "Twice and Toga are such interesting characters."

"They may seem a bit chaotic, but they are effective." He responded blankly.

Swishing my drink around in its cup I decided I couldn't take it anymore. "Something is bothering you." I pointed out. "A month ago you had such determination and threat to your tone. Now you look like you're a high school kid dreading morning classes."

His eyes met mine for a brief second and returned to his drink. "I have a meeting tomorrow with the Shie Hassaikai's number two."

"Should I up the security on the building?" I offered trying to ease his tension.

"That won't be necessary." He sighed. "I'll be going to their base."

I shot up to my feet. "And you're just now telling me?!"

"I didn't think it would be necessary for anyone other than Kurogiri to know." He replied, eyeing me down.

"You're going alone?" I questioned. He nodded before taking a sip. "Oh, hell no. I hope your sleep schedule is as screwed as mine."

His face scrunched up as if I'd upset him. "Why?"

Shaking my head, I walked over to his jacket that was hung by the door. "I'm not letting you go in blind or alone." I grabbed his jacket. "Come with me."

"What are you doing with that?!" He exclaimed, getting off of the couch.

Grabbing his arm, I started back toward my bedroom. I flipped on the light before forcing him to sit on my bed. His jacket found its new spot on my desk. He was still yelling at me, but I needed to work fast. This idiot really was incapable of thought.

"Shut up and let me do my job." I groaned before I threw him a game controller. "Here, occupy yourself." I plopped down in my chair and started getting to work. "I'm going to see what I can find on their base while I set you up with a way to communicate. If shit hits the fan it'd be nice to know."

"You don't think I can handle myself?" Shigaraki snapped.

"It's not that at all." I replied as I got out my tools. "You're walking into this situation blind. For all you know they'll have a crew ready to kill you. Besides this is a great opportunity to gather information."

My hands got to work assembling a small wire/GPS combo. I'd plant it in the hood of his jacket so that it was undetectable. No matter what searches they'd do once he got there they wouldn't be able to find it. Of this I was confident. I'd done this service for both heroes and villains. It had never failed me before and I definitely wasn't going to let it fail me now.


My computer was pulling every piece of data from every source I could think of. While that was going it was also installing software to my little creations. Needless to say, the least of my concerns was pulling in jobs.

Shigaraki sat on my bed playing one of my many dungeon crawlers with Jim in his lap. After the last stitch was put in his jacket I turned my chair around. Hours had passed since he walked through the door, but things had finally come together.

"Shigaraki." I said holding his jacket out to him. He sat down the controller and took his jacket. "Try to find where the microphone is." Thoroughly searching his jacket left him empty handed. "Put it on. I need to make sure it works."

He remained silent, but did as I said. The program seemed to be running smoothly. I put my headphones on and listened. The blank expression on his face was aggravating to say the least. Rolling my eyes, I waived for him to talk.

"What?" Came through my headphones flawlessly. "Is it working?"

Smiling, I slid my headphones off. "Like a charm." I picked up the micro earpiece I'd made for him. "I'm going to put this in your ear so we can adjust the volume. I want you to go sit in the living room after I put it in."

"Ok." He agreed.

This felt strange. Hours ago he was pissed at me for trying to help him. "You're being awfully cooperative for someone who was yelling at me a few hours ago." I stated, placing the earpiece out of sight.

"This will be your chance to prove your usefulness." He replied.

Nodding, I sent him to the living room. I started his earpiece on the lowest setting and gradually worked the volume up.

"Can you hear me?" I asked at a normal volume.

"It sounds like you are beside me." His voice came through my headphones, carrying his surprised tone.

"Do you think the volume needs adjusted any?" I asked, checking settings and functions.

"No, this should work." He responded.

Wanting to play around, I looked at the GPS tracker. Judging by his approximate location he was in front of my manga shelves. "Which manga are you looking at?" I giggled.

"How-" He started.

"GPS tracker." I replied. "Wouldn't want you to go disappearing on me before I have the opportunity to go on a date with you." This was definitely the alcohol at work.

"A date?" Surprisingly, he didn't sound offended by the idea.

"What can I say?" I started as I sat back. "You're cute."

Silence came from the other end. "Virgo's Delight." He answered my previous question.

"That's a good one." I replied happily. "It is my favorite."

"Would you mind if I borrow it?" I blushed as his words filled my ears. "I've never heard of it. The cover is intriguing."

"Of course you can." I responded. "You're always free to borrow any game, manga, anime, or movie you want." Saving the settings, I smiled. "You can come back now."

"Just give me a moment." He half snapped.

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