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Joy filled me as I sat with my little family. When Spinner let it slip that I was awake the house was flooded by the rest of the league. Toga kept calling me "big sis" and trying to take me from Tomura. Compress was showing me some cool sleight of hand tricks while explaining how they worked. Dabi had started a card game with Twice and Spinner. Tomura sat with me in his lap while we played games.

"Oh look at this!" Toga chimed. "You'd look so cute!"

Leaning over to see, I saw a schoolgirl outfit with cat ears and a little tail. Tomura tried to look, but I quickly pushed his head in the opposite direction. "Send me the link." I whispered with a smile.

Tomura often played this game where you went to school with cute cat girls. They were trying to kill you, but the first time I walked in on him playing it he got so embarrassed that he ended up getting pissed. I'd once made a joke about dressing up like one of the girls. He practically exploded with angry embarrassment, but my goal was to make all of his dreams come true. If that meant wearing a cat girl outfit for him I'd do it with a smile.

"Why are you hiding things from me!" He snapped.

Pulling his face to mine, I kissed his dry lips. "We really should see about getting you into a skincare routine." I smirked.

He grumbled and returned to his game. "The fancy soap isn't enough?"

Grabbing his chin, I paused the game. "It is better than that cheap bar of soap you were using before." Tilting his head, I realized there were many deep scratch marks. "Tomura!" I gasped.

His eyes shot to my face which held a worried look. "You were gone and the itching got worse."

With a heartbroken sigh, I pulled him off of the couch. I pulled him to our room and sat him on our bed. In the bathroom, I grabbed healing ointment and the jar of moisturizer.

When I returned I sat on our bed and sat his head in my lap. The scratches on his neck were deep. It made me worry about bad off he must have been while I was being held captive. Dabi had mentioned that he'd not seen Tomura sleep once while they were searching.

"Love, I know you get stressed easily, but I need you to promise if something were to happen again you'll take care of yourself." I whispered heartbrokenly.

Tomura's eyes filled with shame. "I'm sorry."

As I shook my head I started carefully rubbing ointment on his self-inflicted wounds. "Don't feel bad, Tomura. I just want you to try to be gentler with yourself. Try to treat yourself how I'd treat you."

"I love you." He whispered softly, looking into my eyes.

Tears rushed to my eyes while I smiled. "I love you too."


When we'd woken up Tomura and I stayed wrapped in each other's arms. I'd been straddling him while I put more ointment on his neck. The whole morning he'd been acting strange, but with the stress he'd just been under it was understandable.

"We could play games all day." I suggested.

"Is that what you want?" He asked as he played with my hair.

Giggling, I kissed his forehead. "I want to do whatever my player one wants to do."

"Well, my quest is to do what my player two wants to do." He responded.

My hand went down his side as my nails grazed his soft skin. He flinched and pulled away from my hand, blushing slightly. My eyebrows raised in surprise. Was Tomura ticklish?! With nothing but bad intentions, I returned my hand to the spot on his side. As I tickled him Tomura squirmed and tried his hardest to get away.

"No, that's a critical hit!" He shrieked. "Stop it, evil witch!"

I laughed as I continued, but my victory was short-lived. Tomura flipped us so he was on top and started doing the same I'd done to him. Even if he was wearing gloves my sides were super sensitive. I kicked and begged for him to stop as I laughed loudly.

"Now the evil boss is all mine!" He yelled, keeping me pinned with ease.

"Please!" I yelled through tears. "I promise I'll never do it again!"

Tomura stopped for a moment, letting me catch my breath. His eyes narrowed at me, staring into my soul. "It would seem you failed your diplomacy roll." He chuckled with the most amazing smile.

"Please, evil overlord, I'll do anything." I begged like some helpless princess.

He hummed as he thought for a moment. "Fine, I'll stop if you pay me."

"Pay you?" I asked curiously.

"I'll stop as long as I get you all to myself for one day." He replied.

"Deal." I giggled.

With a smile, he leaned in close. "Also, you have to tell me about what Toga showed you last night." His evil grin melted my heart, but not my determination.

"No way!" I replied, glaring up at him.

Tomura leaned in close, letting his red eyes dig into mine. "In your position, I believe you should reconsider."

"What if I said I wanted to surprise you?" I asked with a smile.

Sighing, he pouted. "Fine." His eyes went down and returned to my mine. "Yuki?" He seemed to be upset now.

"Yes, Tomura?" I asked gently.

He hesitated before he finally asked the question troubling his poor little mind. "Are you going to leave me?"

My eyes widened as my jaw dropped. "No!" I didn't mean to yell, but I couldn't understand what had happened to the playful bundle of smiles from mere seconds ago. "Why would you think that I'd ever leave you?"

His sad eyes filled with a look that made my heart shatter. "I couldn't protect you." He muttered brokenly. "I didn't tell you I love you until something bad happened. I've been so aggressive with you. I'm not a good person."

Putting my hands on his cheeks, I spoke gently. "Tomura, you did nothing wrong. You saved me. You told me you loved me when you were ready and understood what you were feeling. I don't mind the aggression because it is a part of who you are, it is how you protect yourself." I started tearing up. "Tomura, I'll love you until my last breath." I paused reconsidering my words. "No, I'll love you beyond the end of time. Nothing will take me from you, no matter what you think of yourself. To me, you are the most beautiful person that will ever exist. Whether or not you agree, I believe you are perfect inside and out. I love you, Tomura Shigaraki."

Pulling Tomura to my chest, I rubbed his back, trying to give him some comfort. He was such a broken man, his emotions were so unknown to him. When it came to how he felt, he may as well have been reading a different language.

"Please don't leave me." His voice shook out the words desperately. "Please don't leave me alone."

Pressing my cheek to his head, I held him as tight as I could. "Sweetheart, you have become my entire world."

"My chest feels so tight." He murmured as he tried to catch his breath.

Sitting up with Tomura in my arms, I continued rubbing his back. "Take deep breaths and let it out." I sniffled. "You've felt a lot of emotions recently, this is normal." 

My words were true, he'd known so much hate and pain. The fact that he was feeling this because of me hurt a lot, but I knew that it was neither my fault nor his. With so much going on in our lives all at once it was surprising he'd held on this long. 

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