Enter Tomura Shigaraki

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As soon as the call ended there was a knock on my front door. I'd only gotten enough time to change into my usual outfit. My hand hovered over the lock with deep hesitation. Not even 24 hours after meeting Dabi I was joining the league and meeting the leader.

I opened the door and stepped back. Dabi walked in with two other... people? One was definitely human, but the other looked almost like it was made of void essence. The guy wore a black sweater, dark jeans, red shoes, and a hand covering his face. The void guy wore a nice suit with some kind of armor on his neck.

They went to enter the living room, but I promptly stopped them. "No shoes past this point." I said with my hand up. "House rule."

As they took off their shoes I went to the kitchen. "Got any Fire Ball left?" Dabi asked, following me.

"I do, though you nearly slept with the bottle." I replied handing him the bottle. "Do they have drink preferences?"

"Bourbon for the boss." A deep soothing voice came from behind me.

I looked to see we'd been joined by the void-walker-looking dude. "Got it..." I realized I didn't know this guy's name.

"Kurogiri, it is nice to meet you." The void, I mean Kurogiri, replied. "I do not require refreshments at this time."

So, Kurogiri is a gentlemanly void creature. Feeling a bit taken by my current situation, I poured the drinks. Some deep urge resided in me to see if he had feet, but I thought it may come off as rude. We returned to the living room where the boss stood looking through my manga collection. I realized my LEDs were still set to blue from the night before. Right as realization hit me the boss turned to me.

"I like the light in here." His strange scratchy voice finally left him. "It feels calming. I noticed you have all of the new gaming systems. Do you play often?"

"I do." I answered as I handed him his drink.

Dabi had already gone to the couch and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. "She's pretty good." He chimed in flatly.

"So, if I understand correctly, I'm joining the League of Villains." I started the business talk as I joined Dabi on the couch.

The boss sat down along with Kurogiri and made himself comfortable. "First, I want to know why you agreed to join. Then, I'd like to see the work Dabi mentioned on the phone." Boss guy started casually. "He wouldn't go into detail so I want to see for myself what it is you can do. I'm sick of wasting time on useless characters."

Crossing my arms, I made sure to carefully place my words. "Before that, I have a few questions of my own." My expression fell to seriousness. "You could start with your name. Then, you could explain why it is you won't let me see your face." Dabi raised an eyebrow at me as I stared down this new "boss" of mine. "I'm not one to let people in my house, let alone tell them about my work. Dabi got lucky because he saved me, but past your connections to him I have absolutely no reason to trust you at the moment."

The boss chuckled as if this were fun for him. "I suppose that is fair." He removed the hand from his face causing my breath to catch. He was... breathtaking for lack of a better word. "My name is Tomura Shigaraki. I guess you could say the hand is a bit of a trademark of mine."

Suppressing the urge to blush, I held face. "Ok, simple enough." I got up, motioning him to follow me and giving Dabi the remote. "I remain pretty neutral in regards to heroes versus villains, but recently I've noticed a shift in attitude toward this part of Yokohama. The heroes have been observing this part of the city heavily since you guys got raided. That is going against the agreement which they proposed and made law. Our freedom is being restricted once more and I hate it." I opened my bedroom door and lead him to my computer. "You good with computers?"

"I am." Shigaraki replied.

I offered my computer chair kindly. He sat down as I pulled up my big jobs folder. "Notice any of these?"

He eyed through the files. "Quite a few of them."

"That's probably because you watch the news. How do small-time villains manage such crimes?" I held up my hands, presenting myself with a smile. "Click one. I'm sure you will find an answer."

He scrolled through as many files as he could, looking over all of the plans and gathered information. "This was all your doing?"

"I coded the program, gathered the details required, and made the plans." I smirked proudly. "The client assembles the teams, delegates tasks, and follows my plan."

"How are you able to do this?" He asked curiously.

"May I?" I motioned to my chair. "Name a hero agency."

"Endeavor's." He challenged me as we traded places.

"Pick a word." I replied as I maneuvered into the Endeavor Agency network. "Something common or simple if you want fast results."

"Villain?" He responded confused.

The prompt popped up right in time.

Enter keyword



I sat back confidently, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. "I threw in a bonus for you." I chuckled. "For the record, I do have a quirk."

My computer pinged. It had pulled phone calls, messages, and documents all containing our keywords. Shigaraki used his pinky to move my hand from my mouse so he could glance through the results.

"I believe you will be of more use behind the monitor." He said looking at me with a small smile. "Welcome to the party. I think we've gained a valuable new character."

Touch (Shigaraki x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon