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Things had been fine the rest of the day. I'd sat with Dabi watching tv, snuggled up in a blanket. I'd craved a shower for hours, but decided to wait until after dinner. After we ate I found one of Tomura's worn sweaters on the floor of our closet. Choosing it and a pair of black shorts, I went to the master bath. 

The shower was steaming in preparation for me to get in. I'd only just gotten the bandages off of my leg when the nausea hit. Flashes of Matt's face and that dark room went through my vision. My body trembled as I tried to shake them. I could smell the musty air and feel the dirty floor again. Fear consumed me, causing me to fall to my knees and puke. Suddenly, I was back in that place, tied up and waiting to be saved. Screaming, I tried to get the memories to stop. The line between reality and memory started to blur.

"Yuki!" Dabi pulled me into his arms. "Yuki, I'm right here!" He panicked, squeezing my half naked form closer to him. 

My mind was playing a tug-o-war with what was real and what wasn't, but I knew for a fact that Dabi's warmth was real. His cool staples pressing against my skin were real. Clutching his shirt, I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I don't want to go back!" I screamed as my body tried to curl up.

Holding me tight, he rubbed my back, speaking softly. "I wouldn't let them take my little sister again." He buried his face in the top of my head. "Nobody will hurt you as long as I'm alive, I promise." His words started bringing me back to the present moment.

As I regained my grasp on reality I cried hysterically. "I was so scared." I sobbed. "It hurts so bad."

Dabi rubbed my back gently. "I know, Yuki, but you won't ever have to be scared like that again." He leaned over, keeping one arm around me. The smell of Tomura pulled me back completely as Dabi handed me the shirt I'd been planning to wear. "I know that once he gets over himself, itchy bitch will not let a damn thing touch you." He placed his hand on the back of my head. "I may not be too fond of him, but Tomura loves you. Whether or not either of you realize it, he does. Both of us love you in our own ways, that's why the moment you stepped out of the front door we had to keep each other from chasing after you."

With Tomura's shirt pressed to my chest I sobbed softly, catching my breath. "Dabi, you are acting different." I muttered.

With a chuckle, he squeezed me tighter. "Wonder why that is?" He replied sarcastically. "Maybe it's because I nearly lost the one person that has shown me what love feels like. You have shown that to all of us. We are all considered the scum of society, but you took us in and showed us kindness. Yesterday Spinner sat with me, waiting for you to wake up. He said that he wished the two of you had spent more time together because he's never had somebody be so nice to him. He said when Jim died he'd wanted to give you a hug, but was afraid it would be weird. Everyone has stopped by at some point to check on you." He sighed as if he wanted to cry. "Yuki, you've pulled this group of failures and misfits together as a family."

My tears started to fall slowly. "Do you think someone will come by tomorrow?" I asked softly.


Waking up, I checked my phone. There wasn't so much as a message from Tomura. Getting up, I made my way to the kitchen. Searching the fridge, I realized I had the ingredients to make Tomura's favorite food, tacos.

The front door opened, sending me straight to the knife block. As I pulled the biggest knife from the block I spun around to see who had come in. Tired ruby red eyes and messy pale blue hair peered from the shadows of a black hood. My heart rate started to calm, but I'd moved too quickly. Things started to go fuzzy as my body became weak. Tomura ran in just in time to keep me from hitting the floor.

"Why are you up?" He growled.

I chuckled, happy to see him. "I was making you tacos." Cradling his cheek with one hand, I admired his gorgeous face. "Are you ok?"

"I came over because Dabi said he was going somewhere." He sighed. "You're such an idiot."

"At least I'm your idiot." I joked.

His eyes had the same hollow look as the day before. "I brought you something." He reached into his pocket.

Standing me up, he refused to look at my face. In his hand was a familiar black box. When he opened it I saw that it had a necklace just like the one he'd given me before. He carefully put it on me before turning to walk away. Grabbing his gloved hand, I pulled him back to me.

Tomura's eyes finally locked with mine. Our lips crashed together in a heated kiss. My hand went back to turn off the stove as I continued to taste the sweet taste of his lips. He carefully picked me up by my thighs and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Holding firmly to my ass, Tomura carried me to our room. He managed to both open and close the door while holding on to me. When he got to our bed he slowly lowered me to the comforter. Staying between my legs, he pulled away, pinning my hands to the bed.

"I haven't had a single drink since you left yesterday. I couldn't get the image of you out of my head." He spoke shakily. "This is a storyline quest that I've put off for too long."  My emotions overcame me as I looked into his emotion filled eyes. "I love you, Yuki Hara. We are playing co-op from now on. Where one goes the other follows, ok?"

My heart hit my stomach as I tried to process what he'd just said. Tears burned my eyes as they filled my vision. "Tomura, I love you so fucking much." I tried to keep my emotions from showing. "I'll never leave your side, I promise."

His lips reconnected with mine and his tears mixed with mine on my cheeks. Pulling him against me, I sobbed wholeheartedly. My world was safe and complete. His pendant fell from his shirt, landing on mine. From that moment on we would be one.

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