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Pulling Hawks's phone records was a lot for my poor computer to handle. The full memory storage set up was really coming in handy. With every phone call made being recorded for investigative purposes it really was a chore to sort through them. This guy really needed to learn to cook for himself. So many calls to take out restaurants.

Tomura walked into the room with Dabi following closely behind. Tomura took a seat in his chair while Dabi sat by Jim on the bed. Jim curled up in Dabi's lap while I looked between the two.

"So, if I fucked up..." Dabi started. 

"It's fine, Dabi." I assured him, sitting back in my chair. "I can catch it. Besides, I'm running both facial recognition and his call history. If there's something to find I will find it." 

Dabi sighed heavily. "We have a plan. Hawks agreed to play along."  

Tomura and Dabi let me in on the details of the plan. Hawks would bring a hero to a specific location where Dabi would release a Nomu. If he was a no show or came alone we'd be forced to see him as a rat, but if he followed through it would earn him some brownie points.

"So, if he follows orders he gets a gold star and a pat on the back?" I chuckled. "Seems fair enough."

Tomura leaned back in his chair. "I have an assignment for you, Yuki."

Using my first name? Tomura had to mean business. "What kind of assignment?" I asked.

"Well," Tomura groaned, swinging his head forward to look at me, "it's more of a meeting."

Before I could ask who with black sludge came from my mouth. I was shocked, but given the blank expression on Tomura's face, this was normal. Everything went black for a moment. It felt strange, but I almost found this thing comforting. 

When I got where I was going I looked around to see Nomu in big pods. There was an extremely large screen with smaller ones down the sides. They seemed to be displaying charts and sensors, probably for these Nomu.

"Welcome, Yuki." Some short scientist dude said turning his chair to face me.

"You know, I've seen photos and videos of Nomu, but these look different." I walked over to a pod and placed my hand on it. "They almost look more refined."

"You have quite the eye, kid." The mustache stated as he approached me. "My name is Daruma Ujiko, I'm a dedicated follower of All For One. These are my masterpieces."

I looked back to the screens. "Are those sensors for the Nomu?" I asked.

Ujiko chuckled. "You are quite smart, they are." 

"I apologize, I'm being awfully rude." I said sincerely. "It is nice to meet you, Ujiko."

He tilted his head at me. "Shigaraki has been in contact with me in regards to you. I see some potential in you, kid. Tell me, would you be willing to create a few things for me. You can't tell Shigaraki what they're for."

"If it means you'll teach me more about your tech and creation process. I'd be more than happy to." I set out a deal.

He laughed heartily. "You know what, I'll take you up on that deal!" He looked up at his creations. "You are already more interesting than I expected. We might get along. I'll go get my list while you have a look around. I have a feeling you're going to be here often, so you might as well get familiar with the lab."

I admired the Nomu in the pods and the readings on the screens. This place was incredibly fascinating. The Nomu here looked like perfect specimens. This little guy had put so much care into his creations. 

Ujiko walked up with a sheet of paper and a small Nomu. "This is the list."

Taking it, I looked over the list to see descriptions of preferred functions. It looked like he'd be needing new sensors. "Thank you for this opportunity, Ujiko." I spoke with a small smile.

"Kid, you can call me Doc." He replied politely. "I'll return you to your friends now." 

He held up the Nomu and aimed it at me. Black sludge came from the creatures mouth. It engulfed me, sending me back into the darkness. Why was that sensation so calming to me? I got back to my room in a split second. My men were still right where I left them. I sat the list down on my desk.

"How'd it go?" Tomura asked.

"He was nice." I responded.

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