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Getting out of the car, my head hung. Arms wrapped around me tightly, pulling me from my head.

"No more leaving without me." Tomura whispered. "Unless I'm in your ear you can't leave me."

My arms wrapped around him and my hands clutched his shirt. "It hurts so bad." I sobbed as my pain resurfaced again. 

"I know." He whispered softly. "I feel it too."

A very warm hand rested on my back gently. "We had an idea that we wanted to run by you." Dabi's voice was soft. "First, let's go inside."

I walked in the house to see the rest of my family waiting. They all looked as if they'd been hurt by the situation. Toga came forward and hugged me. My walls completely collapsed as I broke down in her arms.

"He was so cute." She said sadly. 

I nodded and separated from her. Tomura picked up Jim and handed him to me. Dabi rubbed my back softly, trying to comfort me.

"I talked to Tomura about burning him for you." Dabi informed me gently. "You could keep the ashes after."

I nodded slowly. "I'd not have it any other way."

Being escorted to the backyard by Tomura and Dabi, I stared down at the lifeless body in my arms. Memories of my time with him filled my head. The day I brought him in he was so skinny. Now he'd grown plump. He used to sleep on Dabi from time to time when he'd stay the night on the couch. Dabi pretended to hate it, but he knew it made him happy. Tomura would sit up with Jim in his lap for hours, gaming and petting the old boy. When the others would come over Jim would find a nice lap to sit in or he'd play with Toga.

Sitting in front of Dabi, I handed over my baby. We were on a concrete pad, so there wasn't really a worry of losing the ashes. Tomura sat to my right with his arm around me. Spinner sat to my left with his hand on my back. Toga wrapped her arms around my neck, resting her head atop mine. Compress and Twice both placed a hand on my shoulder. 

Dabi looked up at me, his blue eyes holding sorrow. Jim laid in his hands peacefully as if he were asleep. "Are you ready?"

Nodding, I cried softly. "I am." Beautiful blue flames covered Jim's body. "Find me again in your next life, my sweet boy." My voice cracked. "Please never forget how everyone here loved you in their own special way. Tomura and I will be waiting to see you again."

The heat of Dabi's flames reminded me of all of the times I'd wake up to a little ball of warmth cuddled to my chest. The holds on me reminded me that I was no longer alone nor was I alone in my pain. Jim had a family that loved him. I had a family that loved me. A bestfriend that would pull me from my stupidity. A boyfriend that cherished all of the moments we spent together. Friends that had my back no matter how wild shit got.

"Thank you guys for being here." I sniffled. "You all mean the world to me." 

Grips on me tightened and a few sniffles came from the ones around me. Villains or not, we were still human. We still needed love. Most importantly, we were a family.


I held the jar that we'd put Jim's ashes in. The group was in the kitchen making dinner while I sat with Tomura and Dabi on the couch. My emotions had fallen back into a state of numbness that weighed on me heavily. I needed to keep my head in the game. By losing Jim I did achieve a sense of clarity. 

My family was living in the shadows. Tomura was doing his best to build up his army. We were going to take this world by storm. We were going to start a war. Once this world was in our hands we'd correct all of the wrongs made by the heroes. No more suppressing the masses. No more hiding in the dark to feel safe. 

"Throughout the years that I had Jim I lived only to see that he had a good life." I started softly. "Now that he's gone I'd like to declare my new sense of purpose."

"That being?" Tomura asked.

"All of my actions will be aimed toward building our strength." I stated. "We are going to do whatever it is we have to in order to destroy the grasp the heroes have on us. I can no longer care for Jim, but I can make sure that my family lives as happily as they want. Tomura, I'll see that your dreams come true. Together we'll burn this suppressive society to the ground. We'll build a new world where people live freely. They won't need licenses to help others. They will receive training from an early age to have proper control of their quirks. After we burn the world we'll build a new one. One of pure freedom."

"Will you be the queen that rules over this new kingdom alongside me?" Tomura asked softly.

I chuckled darkly. "Who needs Kings and queens when we have the potential to be gods?"

Dabi smirked wickedly. "Gods? I like the sound of that." 

"Then we will be the gods that rule the new society." Tomura agreed.

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