Big Brother

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"She needs you and yet you're leaving again!" Dabi's voice yelled in the kitchen. "Fine, be a little bitch!"

Silence fell before the sound of the front door slamming shook the house. I'd never heard Dabi express anything other than hollowed emotions. What I'd woke up to had some real feeling behind it. When he walked in I was even more shocked. Dabi looked like he'd been an inch from hitting someone, but it faded as he realized I was awake.

"Sorry if I woke you." He sighed, walking over to me.

"Why were you yelling?" I asked sadly.

He took a deep breath and sat beside me. "Your boyfriend is being a little bitch." He stated with a look of irritation. "He seems to think that you getting kidnapped was his fault. It's like he can't just be happy with the fact that you are home safe." He gently brushed my hair from my face. "I'll be right back."

As Dabi left I struggled into an upright position against the wall. On my nightstand was a card decorated with small drawings of me and the other league members. Picking it up, I noticed it said Get Better Soon across the top. Upon opening it I found messages from the members living in the apartments, including Kurogiri. What really surprised me was the little message left by Ujiko.

Come visit when you are done recovering, kid. Glad you are ok.


"Toga made that for you." Dabi stated as he carried in a plate and a glass. "She was pretty broken up after your first day knocked out. Twice and Compress suggested making a card." He sat a plate of eggs, prosciutto, and berries in my lap. "You were out for three days, but Ujiko said anything less than three would be shocking. That leg wound was pretty bad, an further to the left and you would've bled out." He returned to the spot on the bed beside me. "Crusty bitch has been stopping by in the mornings to check on you, but he's been locking himself up in that old apartment of his. Kurogiri says he's been too devastated to eat most days."

"Why are you staying here?" I asked softly, picking up a blueberry.

Dabi's eyes seemed to gain a shimmer of emotion. "Playing the role I never got to in my old life I guess." He replied as his eyes remained on the plate in my lap. "This is my chance to be the big brother I always wanted to be." He looked up at me sadly. "To me you have become the little sister I never knew I needed." Happy tears rolled down my cheeks as I rested the side of my head on Dabi's shoulder. He put his arm around my shoulders with a genuine smile. "Eat, Ujiko said you should try to walk the day you wake up. So, I thought we could take a little stroll over to your boyfriend's apartment together in celebration. Maybe seeing you on your feet will pull his head out of his ass." 


Walking wasn't necessarily easy, but Dabi kept me upright until I could do so myself. Before I tried knocking I turned the knob to Tomura's old apartment. Finding the door locked, I pulled out my master key. Popping the door open, I was greeted by darkness. The smell of alcohol and cheap microwave dinners wafted through the air. The tv was on, but nothing played on the screen.

Taking small steps, I went to the couch. Tomura sat looking at the black sceen as the little icon bounced from one edge to the other. A bottle of whisky was nuzzled up in the bend of his arm. He sat with his hood up and his hands tucked into the pocket of his hoodie. His feet were up on the coffee table, his legs crossed.

"Tomura?" I whispered softly.

His eyes darted to me and back to the tv. He groaned before taking a drink from the bottle he'd been snuggling. Walking over, I sat down beside him. My hand shakily went to his cheek, turning his head to face me.

His eyes went soft as he looked away. "None of my hallucinations have touched me." He muttered. "Yuki."

"Dabi says Ujiko told him I'd need to be on my feet once I woke up, so we picked the place I wanted to be the most, by your side." I explained quietly with tears in my eyes.

Tears brimmed in his eyes as he pulled away from me. "What is wrong with you?" He grumbled. "Don't you get that you are hurt because of me?" 

Pulling him to my chest, I made sure his head was over my heart. "No, the only thing you've done is beat yourself up over something that none of us could have expected." I assured. "You are the reason that I'm still alive." 

"Shut up." He whispered bitterly, carefully pulling away. "Go home."

Sighing, I kissed his cheek. "I love you, Tomura." Standing, I nearly fell down, but there was no way Tomura would let me fall. Looking into his eyes, I weakly wrapped my arms around his neck. "Come home when you are ready. I'll be there, waiting to give you all of my love."

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