The Whole Truth

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Tomura and I laid in eachother's arms in silence. He kept his hands balled up, but held me close to him. I played with his hair while I stared at him.

"Go to my closet. There's a documents box in there, it has all of the information you need." I whispered.

"I believe you." He assured me.

"No, I want you to know this about me." I insisted.

He sighed before getting up to retrieve the box. Sitting up with my back against the wall I pulled the box closer. The lid slid off with ease, but what was inside wasn't so easy for me to open up about. The file from dad's murder sat on top.

I sat the folder on his lap as I began my story. "Dad was coming home from a late night at work. He'd stopped by the store to get lettuce for dinner. On his way home he ran into Spark Master. Spark was absolutely wasted. He had watched a few people die that day. He said it was an accident, but I don't believe setting someone on fire and walking away is an accident. I was compensated financially by Endeavor's agency as long as I kept quiet." I traded dad's folder for my research. "Then, I started doing my research. This man had committed so many crimes, but always managed to get off the hook. On my way home one night I saw him walking down a sidewalk. I thought he hadn't seen me, so I ducked behind a dumpster in an alley. He'd seen me and recognized me immediately. As he... did what he did he told me that watching my dad burn was so funny that he wished he could see it again. As he neared his finish I noticed a broken beer bottle. I grabbed it and used it to completely shred his throat." My eyes trailed down to the bed. "Do you know who's agency Spark worked for?"

"No." Tomura answered softly.

"Endeavor's." I answered. "Endeavor also went on as a witness saying how Spark was an amazing hero. The guy deserved what he fucking got." I placed the folder in the box and handed him a stack of folders on Endeavor. "Endeavor is a fucking awful person. Those folders contain information kept away from public eyes. The man is our current number one hero, but I bet you didn't know that he abused his wife and kids. The police feigned ignorance, but I refuse to let it remain a secret. My computer is filled with files on shit heroes. I want to see them suffer for what they've done."

My head fell back gently to the wall behind me. Tomura was still looking through folders of information.

"When we take over this world I want you to educate this society on the idols they worship so faithfully." He said, placing the folders in the box. "I want to see the moment you delete Endeavor from this existence."

"Tomura, you and I are going to make this world ours." I replied as he sat the box on the floor. "We're going to build our army and take them all down."

"Then, remain by my side. Lead with me." He whispered, leaning in so his lips brushed mine. "Be my player two and rule the new world with me. You will no longer be a game piece. You will be a game master. What do you say, number two?"

"I'm all in, number one." I whispered breathily.

Our lips danced together in long soft kisses. The back of his index finger traced down my cheek gently. We were going to make this world our own.

Tomura sat back facing me. "I killed my family." He stated painfully. "As I've told you before I don't remember much before my master took me in, but I know I was the one that killed them. The hands I wear are theirs. Growing up I didn't learn to control my quirk, in fact All For One encouraged me to harness the hate in me through using it." He traced the back of his finger across the top of my hand." Now, I wish I had more control. I've wanted to touch you so many times, but I can't. You're not a character I want to delete from this game."

"We could try to work on your control." I suggested. "Maybe once you've learned how to control it we could try holding hands or something." I giggled.

"I don't understand how you make me feel." He replied. "It's so strange. I get comfortable and don't feel that burning hate deep inside."

"Some things don't need to be understood." I smiled softly as I spoke. "Sometimes it's best to just feel these emotions."

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