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"Does it bother you that we can't go on normal dates because of me?" Tomura asked softly.

Raising an eyebrow, I looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

My question seemed to pull him in a different direction emotionally. "What normal things do you like to do?"

I'd never thought about all of the things I'd not done since I had joined the League. "I used to go to the mall and get dinner. I'd also go out to the clubs."

"Do you miss doing those things?" He asked, looking up at me.

Shrugging, I thought about it. Part of me kind of did, but an idea came to mind. "What if we could do one of those things?" I asked with excitement.

"How?" He actually seemed interested.


Dabi and I made our trip to the store a quick one. Tomura waited in our room, watching some random stream.

"I need you to have some trust in me." I explained carefully. "If you want to try a so-called 'normal' date."

He stared blankly at the items I'd sat on the desk. "You're sure this will work?" I nodded confidently in reply. "Ok."

Immediately I got to work on his hair. The dye was a black single-wash dye. It went on smoothly, covering every inch of his medium-length hair. After a ten-minute wait, I was able to get him in the shower long enough to rinse out his hair. When he saw his reflection I nearly expired.

"What did you do?!" The legitimate confusion in his voice killed me.

"Don't worry." I assured. "It comes out in a single wash."

I sat on the bathroom counter and pulled his slim, mostly bare body to me. "I'll need you to stay still."

Starting with a moisturizer, I prepped his face for all of the makeup I was about to put on him. Being a couple of gamers was super convenient. We practically shared the same pale skin tone. As I put on Tomura's makeup he kept staring at me. It made it hard for me to keep focus, but I was enjoying the attention.

"All done!" I giggled. "You look completely different."

He stared at himself in the mirror for a minute. "Do you like me better like this?"

Shaking my head, I responded. "Not at all." I got down and started pushing him to the closet. "You are perfect the way you are. Sandpaper skin and all."

While he put on his gloves I grabbed a light blue t-shirt and black jeans. He slipped into his new outfit as I put on black pants and a blue crop top that matched Tomura's shirt. Going to the bathroom, I started on my own makeup. As I put on my blue eyeshadow Tomura watched me curiously.

"Why are you doing that?" His voice held tremendous amounts of confusion.

In response, I shrugged. "It makes me feel cute." I explained, putting on winged eyeliner.

"You don't think you're cute?" He now seemed to be upset.

"Nope." I answered simply.

At least Tomura was kind enough to wait for me to finish my eyeliner before he spun me to face him. His hands slammed on the counter, trapping me. The glow in his eyes made me a tad nervous.

"You are flawless." He growled, pulling his glove off. The back of his index finger ran down my midsection. "I'll have to remind you once you are healed."

My wide eyes and trembling knees were nearly impossible to conceal, but I was still able to remain confident. "Why wait?"

His finger hooked in the waistband of my pants. "Think of it as punishment."

Was this a glimmer of confidence? If it was, I was absolutely doomed. It wasn't until Tomura stepped away that I realized how tight of a hold those deadly hands had on me. Our relationship wasn't very far along, but things were growing more serious.

I put on my black lipstick and my boots. When we walked out of our room Dabi looked shocked. We didn't say a word, instead, we went out to the car and hopped in. On the way to our destination, Tomura placed his hand on my thigh and ran his thumb over the healing wound I'd covered with my pants. His eyes remained on the view outside of the passenger window. Something about him riding passenger made me smile. He always looked so relaxed.

We got out of the car once we got to the mall. Tomura's arm rested across my shoulders as we walked into the large shopping center.

"Since we are doing something I enjoy you get to pick the first store." I said, looking up at Tomura.

I'd assumed he'd pick a store with video games, so when he walked me into a clothing store I was honestly shocked. He immediately started looking through the racks with me. Something about him was totally off.

"Why this place?" I asked curiously.

Tomura looked at me blankly and simply said. "I want to customize my character."

Never mind, this whole place suddenly made perfect sense. "Fine, I'm going to do the same."

I went to the men's section and found a black and grey striped sweater. It would fit him a tad loosely, but it would look so cute. As I searched further I noticed Tomura seemed to be distracted.

We met up at the checkout, where I paid and Tomura took the bags. We'd gotten quite the haul. I was excited to see him in all of his new outfits, but he still seemed a little distracted. He had started holding me closer as we walked through the mall.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly.

"Hey!" A loud, abrasive voice called out.

It seemed familiar, but I couldn't place a name. As the face flashed through my mind I felt a small sense of panic. We were in massive danger.

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