A Loss

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Between working on Doc's orders and listening to Hawks's phone calls I hadn't realized that an entire week had passed. I'd been messaging Hawks nearly every day to keep up the front, but I found that he wasn't a bad guy. After a couple days of messaging I ran a thorough background check on him to find that he wasn't a bad guy at all. This should have brought me some peace, but considering our current position with him it only raised more red flags. There was no way he was really trying to become a villain.

"Player two." Tomura's voice whispered, gently waking me. "You fell asleep at your desk again."

Groaning, I picked my head up off of the desk. "I'm sorry, player one."

He smiled softly. "Come here." He held out his arms.

I turned my chair to face him. Groggily, I stood just to be lifted from my feet. Tomura carried me bridal style to the table. A piece of paper laid next to my plate. It was information on the Nomu we'd be releasing in Kyushu. Shit!

"That's today, isn't it?" I asked, feeling my stress build.

Tomura slid in next to me on the bench with a couple glasses of orange juice. "It is."

Realizing my situation, I looked him over. "Did you really make breakfast?"

He looked around shyly. "I put the waffles in the toaster and the fruit on the plate."

"Thank you." I replied with a tired smile.


After our attack in Kyushu I was exhausted. I only had one more component to make for Doc and about 20 calls to listen to. When I walked in the house I noticed Jim asleep on the couch. Usually when I'd walk in the door he'd jump up to greet me. Something was terribly wrong.

I walked over to Jim. "Hey, buddy." I whispered as I kneeled.

My eyes moved over his scruffy old body. No. Upon touching him I found that he was cold. He wasn't breathing either. No. No. No. My body went numb and my breathing became unsteady. The world had collapsed on top of me, but I wasn't strong enough to hold it.

Tomura's hands pulled me into his arms. I couldn't move, I was frozen in a state of disbelief. My baby was gone. My world had been taken from me. The residual warmth let me know he'd only just passed, but my boy was dead. I knew he was old, but I wanted him to live forever. Perhaps that was just selfish of me.

"He's gone, Tomura." I muttered brokenly.

The silence in the house was unbearable. There was a soft throw on the couch that he'd always slept on. I covered his body with it and gave him a kiss. The only thing I needed was to get out of the house. Standing, I walked to the bedroom. I got out a fresh change of clothes and changed into them.

"I'm going to go for a drive." I said dejectedly.

Tomura pulled me into his arms. "You don't need to be driving. You've been exhausted for days."

I melted into Tomura's arms. "I'll be ok. I promise. Just call me when Dabi gets back."

This was definitely something he was uncomfortable with, but it was no secret that this was a situation he was lost in. "Be safe, Yuki." He whispered softly.

"I love you, Tomura."


The sian ripped around corners at top speed. No matter how fast I pushed it my pain stayed trapped in my body. My display had my phone screen up for when Tomura called, but his call wasn't the one that popped up. Hawks needed something and I was in no shape to answer. His picture disappeared as I decided to take a break. When his picture popped up again I felt my emotions surface.

My finger mashed the answer button on the steering wheel. "What the fuck do you want, Keigo?!" I yelled as the pain hit me.

"Woah woah woah, hey, I just wanted to ask you something." He replied defensively.

"Now is really not the time." I started to sob.

"What's wrong?" His voice held so much concern. "Why are you crying?"

I broke down against the wheel, clutching my chest. "Jim is gone." I answered.

There was a moment of silence from the other end. "Listen, I'm busy for the next couple of days. What do you say you come visit me when I get some free time?"

As I considered my answer Dabi's photo popped up in the corner of my display. "I'll think about it, Keigo." I sighed. "Gotta go. Bye."

I hung up on Keigo and answered Dabi. "What's up?"

"Hey, Shigaraki told me what happened." He sounded down. "I know nothing can bring Jim back. I know you're probably suffering, but we're worried about you. So, get home where Shigaraki and I know you're safe. I'll be home soon."

"Ok." I murmured.

"We both know I'm not a huge fan of your choice of men, but..." Dabi paused. "I still don't like hearing my boss all bent out of shape. When I get back we can take care of Jim and have a few drinks."

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