Using Protection

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Two weeks had came and went since the day Endeavor called me. Soon I'd be finding a dress and preparing to enter villain hell. Tomura and I had established a pretty good routine over those two weeks. Our mornings were spent together no matter the other's mood. After lunch, we'd either spend our time together or split off for separate activities. Dabi still frequented the house to hang out. Though they butted heads most times Tomura and Dabi got along for my sake.

I'd just finished my afternoon job check when I'd heard Giran's voice in the living room. My focus remained on starting snack prep for our anime marathon, but I couldn't help overhearing the conversation in the adjacent room.

"The sample you gave me worked just fine, Shigaraki." Giran said happily. "They were able to use a duplication quirk to make the material. They saved back some materials, so if you ever need anything of this sort again I'll gladly get in touch for you."

"Thank you, Giran." Tomura replied in an awfully kind tone. "Is there any news on my other order?"

A heavy sigh left Giran. "I'm afraid they're having some issues with that little project." There was a pause. "From my understanding it's the same issue Twice had. If we can find somebody with a laboratory and the knowledge to find what is in that thing, then maybe we can start making progress."

"That's not what I wanted to hear, but I may know someone with the equipment we are looking for." Tomura replied unenthusiastically.

As the popcorn started to pop I walked in the other room with a smile. "Giran, I didn't know we had company!"

Giran was stood by the entrance while Tomura was kicked back on the couch. "Shigaraki said you were busy so I didn't want to bother you." He replied, giving me a hug. "I brought you a little something as well." He motioned to a large box by the tv stand. "Some supplies for your little gadgets. A supplier of mine decided to retire and gave me all of that for free."

"Thank you!" I chirped excitedly. "Would you like a drink?"

"I'm afraid I'm already running late for another meeting." He responded with a frown. "I'll be by soon I'm sure."

We said our goodbyes and Giran left. I turned to Tomura curiously. "So, were they able to copy those quirk erasers?" I asked on my way back to the kitchen.

"No." He replied in a grumble. "I'm going to have to have Doc do some tests on them." He followed me into the kitchen where I returned to my previous task. "But he did bring me these." 

On Tomura's hands were a pair of black gloves. I felt the palm to be welcomed by thin, soft fabric. He reached past me to grab something. When he returned his hand in front of me he was holding a bottle of juice that I'd gotten out of the refrigerator. The thing was, his hand was making complete contact with the bottle.

"How?" I gasped in awe.

A soft smile grew on his face as he revealed a hidden section of his hair that was shorter than the rest. "My quirk doesn't work on me, so I had a few phone calls with Giran to talk about having gloves made using my hair." His hand cradled my cheek lovingly. "Training was taking too long." 

My cheeks flushed a soft rosy pink as I pressed my face to his hand. He pulled me to him in a strong embrace, his hands clutching me tight. Even if he was wearing gloves, I knew this moment probably felt like a massive achievement for Tomura. The feeling of his fingers running through my hair was more relaxing than anything I'd ever known.

"You are so beautiful." Tomura whispered softly. 

I blushed, looking away from him. The side of himself he kept hidden from the world was so soft and endearing. Most times I didn't know how to respond. My hands went to his cheeks, pulling him to my lips. He mirrored my movements, deepening the kiss. 


I'd looked through my box of goodies from Giran to find a lot of highly valuable items. One thing I loved from my gift was this small touch screen smart watch. While Tomura played games on the gaming computer I'd been using my jobs pc to install software to the watch. I turned to my LOV pc and started up my new app. I reassembled the watch and turned it on. 

With the watch on my wrist I ejected the tiny stylus I'd crafted. It made using the watch easier. I minimized the app and opened up my keyword scanner. I was able to add my new keyword with ease from the small device.

"Hell yeah!" I cheered triumphantly. "Shiggy, check this out." 

Tomura was not thrilled with his new pet name. "How many nicknames are you going to give me?" He grumbled.

"As many as I want." I replied. Holding up my wrist, I made it so he could see the watch and my monitor at the same time. "I can use this during our missions. This way I can disable security systems and cause absolute chaos while I'm with the party."

He sighed and returned to his game. "I don't need you to join us out there." 

"But I want to be part of the action sometimes." I whined.

"No." He replied with annoyance.

"But-" I started.

"If you keep arguing I will go to my room." He threatened.

I shrugged, unwilling to deal with his shit. "Fine, go, but it won't change the fact that I'll be going out to join the battle from time to time."

"You know, you really piss me off sometimes." He hissed, saving his game.

Holding up my hands I stopped him from leaving. "I don't have to put up with your shit, Tomura. I choose to, but you know what. Play your game." I motioned to the computer. "I need a drink anyway."

Before he had time to respond I started out of the door. My wrist was caught as I was turned around and slammed back against the wall. Tomura pinned my hands above my head and leaned in close. 

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" He questioned. I remained silent, glaring into his eyes. "Fine, but if you get hurt, even once, you are done going on missions."

I sucked in a long, deep breath. "Fine." I replied with an attitude. 

"Good girl." He smirked before letting me go.

That was all it took for my brain to go absolutely liquid. I watched as he returned to his chair. His hands may have been strong, but that look and those words were what kept me pinned to the wall. He wiggled his finger for me to come to him and patted his lap. Following his orders, I walked over and sat in his lap balled up. My arms wrapped around his neck as he held me.

"It's not that I doubt your abilities to handle an enemy, but that I don't want to risk anything happening to my princess. I'm not your typical knight. If someone hurt you I'd have to make them suffer before I killed them and that just takes up too much time."

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