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20 Missed Messages

That's what I woke up to, 20 missed messages from Dabi. Most of them were him trying to pester me about coming over, but I'm guessing Tomura saw and let him know I wasn't feeling well. The messages devolved into rambling about Tomura being there all day.

Me: I'm making breakfast. Get your lousy ass over here if you don't want to cook for yourself.

Dabi: On my way.

I opened Tomura's chat.

Me: Good morning, hun. I'm making breakfast if you'd like to join Dabi and myself.

Tomura: I'd rather not. 


Tomura: Are you feeling better?

Me: I am.

Tomura: Good.

Deadpanning, I flipped the pancakes I'd started making. Dabi walked in and took his spot, leaning against the counter. He went for a piece of bacon, but I slapped his hand away. Looking at the griddle, he furrowed his brow. I wasn't falling for it. Wait! No! I was actually burning the pancakes.

"Dumbass." He chuckled, stealing a piece of bacon.

I managed to save the pancakes before too much damage was done. "Ass hat." I returned his chuckle.

"So, you and Shigaraki are-" He started his interrogation.

"Dabi, I'll put you on your ass without lifting a finger." I warned playfully. He grabbed a bottle of orange juice, pretending to contemplate the idea. Giving in to his stupidity, I gave him an answer. "We are dating, not a couple, just dating."

"What does crusty have that has caught your eye?" He questioned as he sat down.

As I sat down breakfast I contemplated this question. "You know, I'm still not sure." I replied, sitting down across from him. "He is good looking, likes gaming, blunt-"

"Nevermind." Dabi cut me off.

As I ate I questioned the events of the past few days. Tomura felt the same pull I did when we first met. Was it possible that my meeting Dabi was destined or was it a pleasant chance? In the last few days I had started dating my boss, Tomura Shigaraki, leader of the LOV. How? Oh yeah, booze, that was how.

I needed to go to the store. What was it I needed again? Rice. My brain felt fuzzy, but I did have a migraine the day before. Surely a little fresh air would help.


The streets were a boom with music. I'd left Dabi at my house when I left to go to the store. Apparently tonight wasn't the night to be walking alone, I was being followed. The alley I'd met Dabi in was a few blocks away. I'd probably have to duck down that way again. In my gut I knew who was following me. Fear set in when I noticed I didn't have my knife on me. Pulling out my phone, I called Dabi.

"Hey." He answered.

"Dabi, Get Tomura and go to the alley we met in. I'm being followed. No time to explain." I explained in a hushed calm tone before hanging up.

Keeping my eyes forward, I quickened my pace. There were 5, no, 6 men following me, and despite their hoods being up I recognized one. My course changed on a dime and they followed. Fuck! Dabi and Tomura weren't here yet.

"So, Yuki, you went and joined a little gang." Mack... Fuck! "Not to mention you bought the building I was saving up for." He stated calmly. "Come now, I just want to have a little talk."

"With five other men? I'm not stupid, Mack." I said as my pace slowed. "But I'll play your little game."

A hand gripped my mouth as a knife pressed to my throat. Tilting my head back with a smile, I slammed my elbow into the goon's side. As he stumbled his knife sliced my left arm open causing searing pain to shoot through it. Activating my quirk, I threw my bag to the side. If I could keep control of these three I could hold off Mack and the other two until my backup arrived.

One of the smaller men lunged at me, but I released one of my captives. Catching him midair with my quirk, I let him fall to the ground. My thumbs went directly for his eyes, sinking themselves in. As blood curdling screams filled the alley I managed to get a glimpse of another minion coming up behind me.

Calm. Cool. Collected. Precise. Standing, I sung my foot at his head. My hold on the three I'd trapped was slipping. Grabbing my new target, I took him down. My hands tangled in his hair as I slammed his head off of the ground. Focus. Focus! Slamming my fist into his face, I knocked him out.

Rage flowed through me, only increasing my focus. As my hold on the third target gave way he grabbed me by my hair. Where were Dabi and Tomura? No! Focus! Reaching back I grabbed him by the groin and squeezed as hard as I could. I felt a pop and his screams mixed with my eyeless friend's wailing. I swung him to the ground and kicked him in the head as hard as I could.

In that moment my grip let loose of the other two. My arm was bleeding badly. This was a deep cut, it would have to wait until I was home. I'd stomped in the head of the man I just threw down when heat and blue light filled the alley for a second. The screams were ones of intense pain. A blur of black and light blue went passed me. The man preparing to attack me was caught by his neck. The moment Tomura's fifth finger touched down I watched the man slowly decay away.

"Impessive as always, Yuki." Mack complimented as I fell to my knees. "I wondered who you could have possibly joined up with." His green eyes flashed.

I could still see the glimmer of his teleportation as I stood. My shirt was caught in a tight grasp from behind. Twisting, I went to land an elbow into Mack's head, but I stopped when I saw Dabi staring back.

"Cool it, fire ant." He ordered.

My breathing was heavy and sporadic. "Let me do one more thing before we go home." I growled.

"What is it you want to do?" Tomura asked with wide eyes.

"Either of you have a knife?" I asked curiously.

Dabi produced my knife from his pocket. Silently, I took it and walked over to the man screaming and covering his mutilated eyes. Kneeling on his chest I chuckled darkly.

"Really, Jake." I sneered. "Joining up with Mack?" Jake continued to scream. "You know I spotted you in the arcade, right? I thought you were politely leaving me to my date. Well, I guess you won't be doing much spying without those fucking eyes of yours, but just to be safe."

In a single motion I slashed his throat. I'd already been blood covered, but now I was soaked. Fucking Mack.

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