Goodbye Master

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"When we were sitting by the pond I kept thinking about that." Tomura's voice was the first thing I heard when I woke up. "Now, I'm terrified that you're going to wake up just to tell me to fuck off. Honestly, I wouldn't blame you if you did." He sniffled and took a deep breath. "I'm starting to see myself completely, the good and the bad. How is it you love me like you do?"

"It's because I don't see you as a villain." I stated as I rolled over. "I see you as Tomura Shigaraki, nothing more nothing less."

I could make out the motion of him wiping his eyes. He sat in my computer chair with his feet up on the bed. His shadowy form was leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees. I wasn't scared nor did I feel the anger I had before, but I did feel residual upset from having been in a fight with him.

"Where's my brother?" I asked, sitting up so I could face my boyfriend.

Tomura let put a troubled sigh. "He yelled at me for about an hour before going to Spinner's apartment. He said something about needing a drink before deciding whether or not to kill me."

"Are you wearing your gloves?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied sadly.

Grabbing his sweater, I pulled him out of the chair and on top of me. As we fell back I rolled so that he was pinned to the bed. The fact that Tomura didn't put up a fight was shocking, but his breath had picked up. Sadly, I was in no mood for sex. No, I was going to tell him the exact thoughts coursing through my mind, word for word.

His hands were pinned up above his head. My hand gripped his neck tightly, not enough to choke him but enough to let him know I was serious. My face was close enough to his that I could see his eyes despite how dark the room was.

"Now you fucking listen, Tomura." I started firmly. "I've forgiven you for hurting me during our little exchange, but you decided to make some pretty big promises. So, either you keep those promises or I'll step down and kick your ass back to your apartment." His wide eyes were locked with mine, I had his full attention. "No more following AFO's plans, we make our own. His execution will be what releases you from the chains that have held you down. When I said we'd be gods I meant that shit. If we make plans for this fucked society it will be the plans we make together. Got it?"

It took him a minute to gather himself, but when Tomura spoke it was with unfiltered determination. "Yes, we will make this world our own."

With a smirk I released him, but it would seem he had plans of his own. He grabbed my wrists and rolled me under him. Now I was the one feeling a little shocked.

"If you try to leave me," Tomura growled, "after all of your own promises." His hand trailed up my body before he grabbed me by my cheeks. "I'll find a way to make sure you can never run from me again."

I laughed maniacally. "Leave you?" I smiled pushing up to his lips. "Never, you're fucking stuck with my crazy ass."

Our lips met as Tomura rolled me into his lap. He sat on the edge of the bed with his fingers digging into the back of my thighs. My hands cupped his face, pulling him into a deeper kiss. This wasn't lust, this was pure, unwavering passion. In a way it felt like we'd passed the point of being inseparable.

My lips broke from our kiss. I needed to hear those words, the ones that lit a fire in my soul. "I love you, Tomura Shigaraki."

"I love you, Yuki Hara." He whispered softly.

A rough slam pulled me from the moment we'd been sharing. Tomura pulled away, giving me a look of worry. Holding up my hand, I motioned for him to stay put. I got up and quietly left the bedroom, double checking that the door was closed behind me.

Dabi was in the livingroom drunkenly mumbling to himself. His head tilted up causing him to lock eyes with me across the room. When his muscles tensed I knew he was looking at my bandages.

"Dabi." I tried to be as gentle as possible. "You should go to bed. Let me help you get-"

"Where the fuck is that dry biscuit bitch?!" He yelled as he started toward me.

I put up my hands, keeping him from passing me. "He's asleep, Dabi. Just leave Tomura alone. We talked and I've already forgiven him. There's-"

Dabi's blue eyes glew with a violent light. "He. Hurt. You."

"He did." I replied sternly. "He hurt me, but guess what. What you are doing is hurting me too. If you go in there and hurt Tomura you will be the one hurting me."

After a moment of silence Dabi stopped trying to push past me. His head rested on my shoulder and my arms wrapped around him gently. This poor guy was wasted.

"Why do you have to love him?" He whined pitifully. "You deserve so much better."

I started walking Dabi down the hall to his room. "Because Tomura is more than a crusty asshole." I giggled. "Don't get me wrong, he can be a major dick, but he's got this sweet side to him. He's a nerdy weeb that is always down to play games with me. His craziness fits mine perfectly. He makes me feel both safe and powerful." We got to his room where I sat him on his messy, cigarette smell riddled bed. "Tomura also loves me without any expectations. The fact that we can go about our days together and apart is something that makes every little argument worth it."

Dabi looked up at me with love filled eyes. "You sound so happy." He muttered with a smile.

"I am." I replied as I prepared his bedside trashcan.

The sweat drops rolling down Dabi's forehead were something I'd seen many times before. As I slid the trashcan in front of him he slumped over, vomiting up both his dinner and the alcohol. I rubbed his back gently while his stomach emptied itself. Once he'd finished I handed him a bottle of water from his nightstand. He laid on his stomach with his arm dangling off of the bed.

As I left Dabi's room I noticed the bedroom door was open. I walked in, closing it once more. Tomura sat in bed, waiting for me. His hand gently pulled mine, bringing me down atop him. Wrapped in his embrace, I closed my eyes. He pulled the blanket over us as I slowly drifted off. The last thing I could remember was the sound of his heartbeat.

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