I Bet It's Small

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"Yuki." Tomura whispered softly. My eyes opened to see him cuddled up in my lap. "You fell asleep while Dabi was here. He went home already, but we should probably go to bed."

Looking around, I felt so confused. "Yeah, ok." I muttered.

"Were you having a nightmare?" He asked softly.

I nodded slowly, sitting up with him. We made our way to the bedroom slowly as I tried to gather my composure. Tomura's fingers laced between mine slowly. The feeling of his skin on mine was comforting.

"Tomorrow we should go somewhere." He suggested softly. "We haven't gone out in a while."

Rubbing my eyes with my free hand, I looked at my sleepy boyfriend. "We could go to the arcade." While I admired his soft smile I couldn't help noticing that there seemed to be something bothering him. "What are you thinking?"

As we climbed into bed he held me against his chest. "I'm worried about you." His words held nothing but love. "You seem so stressed here lately. I just want to take away your pain and fears.  If I could destroy them now I would."

"I love you so much." I muttered brokenly. "Just having you here is all I could ask for."

As I listened to his heartbeat I thought about how thankful I was to have Tomura in my life. Living life as a villain wasn't easy, but being with him made every second worth it. His hand rested against my cheek, allowing me to take comfort in his warm, soft skin. No matter what obstacles came our way I was positive we'd make it through.

My eyes drifted shut as I snuggled up with Tomura. His hand continued to gently hold my cheek as the other rubbed my back. We were perfect for each other. When it was us against the world I would always place my bets on us.


"Wake up, hun." Matt's voice pulled me from my dream.

I'd wished I could have remained asleep. There was no telling how long I had been out, but it was at least long enough for me to dream. I'd fallen asleep with my back against the wall after I decided to keep watch over the door. My body was bruising in every spot Matt had touched. Matt sat in the chair with a smile on his face and a tray of food on the ground in front of his feet. 

"I brought you lunch, little one." Matt cooed. "Why don't you thank me with a kiss?"

Laughing, I shook my head. "Bitch, I'd lick this floor clean before I'd kiss your hideous ass."

He tilted his head at me. "Aw, come now, sweetheart." He was speaking in a gentle voice. "I'm far more attractive than that creep you've been wasting your time on. Patchwork probably doesn't even take proper care of that gorgeous body." He chuckled arrogantly. "I believe his name is Dabi. How did you even get involved with that crew, the League of Villains?"

Unable to hold back my laughter, my head swung back, nearly bouncing off of the wall. Hysterical laughter escaped me as tears ran down my dirty cheeks. "Dabi?!" I cackled. "You think I'm fucking Dabi?!" Continuing to giggle, I explained why he'd received such a reaction. "I love Dabi to death, but he's only family to me you, nit wit! You wanna know the who the absolute legend of a man is that has been claiming me as his own?!" With wide eyes and an even wider smile, I looked him dead in the eyes. "Tomura fucking Shigaraki, I'm dating the leader of that crew. He's a god amongst peasants like you, and he's going to fucking kill you. You won't even get a chance to see the world we'll be building together." 

Snickering, Matt picked up the tray. "You are far worse off than I thought." He slung the contents of the tray at me before smacking me in the face with the tray. "All you have to do is be a good girl."

My smile returned as I looked up to his enraged expression. "I'm a good girl for one man, and I'd bet he's got a bigger dick than you, ya beta male limp d-" 

Another smack to the face caused my nose to practically spray blood. My smile remained affixed to my lips. While my eyes were closed preparing for a third hit I heard a shuffle in front of me. I felt something small hit me in the right thigh, like a punch from a toddler. Looking down, I saw a switch blade was the cause of the sensation. My eyes flashed up to Matt's as my smile returned.

"Guess you do have a small dick." I spat.

Ripping the blade from my leg with his left hand, Matt swung at me with his right fist. It connected with my right cheek causing me to accidently bite the inside of my cheek. Gathering what saliva existed in my mouth, I spat mostly blood on his face. In return he back handed me, but he couldn't break my determination to piss him off. 

"It will only get worse from here, slut." Matt grumbled, pressing the blade to my neck enough to cause a sharp sting. "Maybe you should consider that before our next meet up."

Matt walked away as blood covered my body and the floor. If Toga had been there she would've been so excited. Toga... I wondered what she was doing. I wondered if my family was on their way yet. It wouldn't be long before lack of food and water started to get to me. 

When the adrenaline wore off searing pain shot through my thigh. Looking at the wound, I could tell Matt was still avoiding doing any real damage. The blade he used hadn't been very long, but it still left a considerable wound. If I wasn't rescued soon it would be hard to survive this situation.

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