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Thoughts of her remained buried deep in his heart, she was his heart, she would always be his heart. She had given herself to him carelessly and hopelessly without reservation, and he had savagely and possessively taken her without thinking of the repercussions. He thought he had life by the balls, no one could stop him, he was unstoppable. He thought she was his, she would always be his!

He was wrong!

There were some days he thought he was doing well, and then there were those days that he wanted to end his life. On those dreadful days, he would wake up from dreams of her where she would tell him how much she still loved and missed him. Steven still had many sleepless nights where he lay awake and suffered in private, but in public he put on a poker face. No one knew how deeply he still loved her, how he couldn't get her out of his mind no matter how hard he tried, how he still worshipped her even though she chose Jeff over him.

He still ached for her and the baby she had destroyed, and the future they could have had together as a family. He would have married her and they would have raised their love child together, instead she destroyed the baby and declared her love for Jeff.

Wasn't he enough for her, he asked himself that question over and over again. What was it that he lacked? What could he have done different to please her? Why had she chosen Jeff over him? The questions would not stop agonizing him, stabbing pain would torture him especially in the nighttime.
And he had many sleepless nights, of tossing and turning and laying awake all night thinking of her and questioning his sanity. 

Why couldn't she love him back? Why couldn't she be happy with him? Oh God how the pain hurt, he bunched himself up in a fetal position while thoughts of her tore his heart out at night. During the day he was Steven the macho man who had life by the balls, no one suspected anything, he dated Carol, flirted with all the girls and was his old self again in public, but the nights in the dark were very difficult for him to bare.

He was a broken man.


"Hello," his deep masculine voice dripped sex, he sounded like a predator searching for his next meal.

Silence on the other line.

"Hello!" He repeated.


"Who is this!" He demanded, "what do you want?"

Annoyed he ended the call and dropped his iPhone on the night stand. Many times throughout this week someone was calling him and not speaking. Was it Christina? Maybe he should give her a call, his balls were itching for a blow job, he thought, Carol was holding back and he was getting sexually frustrated.

When he was with Abby he wanted to wait until she was ready for him, she was the only woman ever in his life he did that for because he loved her, but with Carol he didn't want to wait anymore, he played her game for a while, but now he had lost his patience. He decided to fuck Christina if Carol continued to play the virgin with him. It's been almost three months since the last time he had had sex and he was ready to put an end to that. He picked up his iPhone and called Carol.

"Hello?" Her voice was sweet and reminded him a little of Abby.

In fact there were many things about Carol that reminded him of Abby. "Hey."

"Took you long enough to call me," she laughed that sweet laugh of hers, "you picking me up today?"

Steven closed his eyes as a stabbing pain tore through his heart, she was so like Abby that he hurt deep inside his heart, "I'll be there in half an hour, we're going to the beach to meet up with Anthony and Jacob and his girlfriend, wear a swimsuit under your clothes the water should be warm today."

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