A Tragic Day

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Staring down into the river, Steven clutched the railings with his two hands and smiled for the first time in a long while. He was finally able to move on, he thought, his lawyer told him that the divorce shouldn't take more than a month at the most.

He looked older and wiser beyond his years he was told by Anthony, and Steven agreed, everything that had transpired this year was a learning lesson one that he shall never forget. He finally grew up and took responsibility for his own actions, accountability was something he was not used to, but he would have to man up now and make things right in his life.

This was a new beginning, he was going to start out fresh, there was no room for mistakes anymore, he thought, he had to get his life in order before he could go to Abby and ask her for her hand in marriage. His friends advised him against that, pointing out the fact that he was getting a clean start and he should move forward not backwards.

His lips formed a bitter smile on his handsome face, how would they know what it feels like to be separated from the only woman in the world that mattered to him. How would they know what lay in his heart? Even if he wanted to, which he didn't, he couldn't remove Abby from his mind and heart, she was his everything and one day he was going to get on one knee and ask her to marry him.

Steven knew that that would not be for at least a few years. He would first concentrate on his school amd getting his degree and then he would go to Massachusetts and claim her his, he could not live without her and he would stop at nothing to get her back, he thought, as he choked back a sob. In the meantime he would not allow himself to date another woman and create problems in his life again.

He would stay celibate, focus on his school work and only when he had accomplished all his goals would he go find Abby he promised himself, however until that day comes, he would call her anonymously just to hear her beautiful voice.

Walking back to the condo, Steven smiled to himself, he felt like for the first time in months he was able to smile. The feeling was great, he knew all would be well moving forward.

When Steven opened the door and entered the condo, he saw a suitcase by the doorway. Confused his eyes drifted to the window where Anthony stood gazing outside.

Closing the door, Steven walked up to his friend and asked, "Are you going somewhere?" Turning around, Anthony faced his friend and Steven could tell something was seriously wrong.

"I'm going to Massachusetts." Anthony admitted worriedly.


"Something is wrong and I need to speak with Claire heart to heart."

"Wrong?" Steven questioned, "with Claire? Is she sick?"

Anthony shook his head, "No," he admitted, "she is not sick, but something is wrong with our relationship. She won't answer my calls, and when she does she is not the Claire that I know and love, there is something going on in her heart Steven and I can't seem to shake off the feeling that she doesn't want to be with me anymore."

"So you're going all the way there to have a talk with her?" Steven asked, "do you think it is a wise idea to visit with her now, if there is something wrong she might need time to figure things out."

"I can't stand the waiting game anymore," Anthony explained, "I have to go and talk to her face to face."

"I'll come with you then," Steven said adamantly, "it'll do me good to leave here for a short period of time.

Anthony raised an eye brow, "And seeing Abby with Jeff won't bother you?"

"It will kill me to see them together, but I can control myself, I have accepted the fact that the dog has my woman for now, but not for long."

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