Jeffs Torment

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"You don't look so well," Anthony said, "should I call the nurse?"

Claire smiled weakly, "you're in the hospital
and you think I don't look well?"

"You seem hurt," Anthony observed, "reaching for her hand he held it and squeezed it tight, "what's wrong Claire?"

"I have destroyed you Anthony, but all you seem to care about is how I feel."

"Because I love you."

"How can you love me when I have hurt you so much." A tear rolled down her face.

Anthony wiped the single tear away from her face and said, "I will never stop loving you Claire no matter how much you hurt me."


"Because when I love Claire it's forever."

Unable to hold off anymore, Claire dropped her head on his stomachs and cried her heart out. "I don't deserve you." She wailed loudly, "I'm a horrible human being!"

"No Claire you are not horrible," Anthony corrected, "you are wonderful and I am lucky to have found you!"

"Oh Anthony," Claire cried and lifted her head to look him in the eyes, "I have wronged you too many times!" Slowly Anthony pulled his hands away from Claire, and lay quietly, Claire tensed, knowing that he was trying to hold it together, "I'm sorry."

"I know."

"I have made many mistakes, and I have suffered for them, but if you can find it in your heart to forgive me again, I swear to you that I will love you the way you deserve to be loved."

"Maybe we should stay clear of each other for a while Claire," Anthony recommend, "maybe we need a break just to make sure that this is good for us."

The idea of staying away from Anthony and living in fear if he would try to end his life again was absolutely unbearable. "No Anthony," she said quickly, "we should get married and live together, I love you so much and want to be your wife and I think it's long overdue don't you think?"

Anthony looked thoughtful for a second and then a slow smile curved his mouth, "I would marry you in a heartbeat if you'd let me."

"Well then," Claire sighed, "what are we waiting for, should I call a priest and do it here and now?"

Anthony's eyes blurred with tears, "If that is your wish my queen the answer is hell yes!"


A heart full of turmoil is what Steven carried with him wherever he went. His soulmate was married to another man, his best friend was in the hospital hanging on by a thread, and all the events in his life that led up to this moment and time now seemed unbearable to him.

How life had its way of throwing lemons at you without any care if it was destroying peoples lives, he thought, there were those people that were capable of making lemonade with the lemons that were thrown at them, but then there were those people like him that were not capable of moving on.

Steven always thought that he had the bull by its horns, but he came to realize that that was just a fantasy he had built around him to ease off the pain of his insecurities.

He was handsome, he was rich, he was attending one of the best school in the country, he had all the attention from females that he could possibly dream of, he had many friends, but there was still one thing that was still missing.


Life will never be complete without her, he loved her so much that he sacrificed his entire life and happiness to make her happy by staying away from her, only to realize that all that was for naught.

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