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Another week went by and Abby was exhausted trying to juggle school, Stephan and write all her stupid essays that were assigned and due before the end of the month. She had three to write and each one had to be at least forty pages long, that gave her no time to do anything else.

Hurrying along down the hall, she wasn't watching where she was going and she bumped into someone and all her books and pencils went flying in the air.

"Are you all right?" A deep voice asked her and grabbed her by the shoulders to steady her.

When Abby looked up into a set of deep blue eyes, her heart leapt in her throat, it was Professor Moss. She remembered a long time ago when she had bumped into Steven and her eyes blurred with tears.

"Yes I'm fine, I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." She admitted, and she was overwhelmed with embarrassment.

Moss bent over amd picked up all her things and handed them to her, "Are you sure you're all right."

"I'm fine thank you." She lied and walked away thinking of Steven and how much she has missed him.

Moss watched her disappear down the hall and shrugged his shoulders, she's not herself today, he thought, and wondered, as he walked away what could possibly have this beautiful girl so upset.


The day went horrible for Abby, it was one thing after another, and she had had just about enough of it all. Collecting her stuff off the table, she rushed out of her last class for the day feeling sick to her stomach.

She hadn't been able to concentrate the entire day, thoughts of Steven plagued her mind and she felt the stabbing pain in her stomach. Would she ever forget him and move on with her life and be happy amd free or was she doomed to suffer for the rest of her life without Steven, she thought, as she took the stairs carefully  one by one until she reached the main floor.

She blamed herself for the pathetic way she lived her life. She should have been happy and carefree, instead she was feeling miserable and old. Her entire life had been downhill, and she couldn't seem to find a way to raise herself up and be happy.

"Abby!" Someone called her name and finally got her attention . She whirled around and found Moss walking towards her and looking very concerned.

"What happened?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, trying very hard to slow down her heart rate.

"I called your name three times and you were in your one little world," Moss told her, "something I can help you with?"

"No, no I'm fine really," Abby lied again, "I'm just tired, I have three essay due by the end of the month and that's only two weeks away!"

"Meet me in my office first thing tomorrow morning and I can help you." Miss told her, "as a matter of fact we can meet every morning until the end of the month and I promise you that you will ace all your essays!"

He smiled at her and Abby's heart did a double take, his deep blue eyes were almost identical to Steven's and that aching feeling claimed her again. "Yeah sure I'll see you tomorrow then." She said, and then she hurried away before he read the need in her eyes.

The need to be held, the need to be kissed and the need to be told that he still loved her. He looked so much like Steven that she confused herself to believe that he was Steven.

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Stop this! She thought angrily, he is not Steven! No one can take the place of Steven! So engrossed in her pain she was that she hadn't noticed a car speeding down the street coming straight towards her.

Rash Reckless Love book two Where stories live. Discover now