The New Year

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Claire cried and cried and cried, happy tears spilled and she was elated. Anthony waited patiently until she was ready to talk and when she did he got an earful.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming, how did you know where to find me, how long are you staying for?" Claire asked all in one breath, and when Anthony was about to answer, she said, "you are staying with me Anthony!"

Anthony shook his head, "No I am not staying with you." He told her, and when he witnessed her pain filled eyes, he quickly added, "I took a room at Ritz-Carlton in Boston."

"Why would you do that!" Claire asked, disappointment evident in her tone of voice, "why would you leave me on a night like this?"

Anthony kissed her until she nearly fainted in his arms, "Who said I am leaving you on a night like this?" He asked her once he pulled his mouth away from hers, "I'm taking you with me, I'm going to make love to you tonight Claire, I'm going to show you how much I adore you!"

Clare's heart pounded against her chest, he was going to make love to her tonight he had said, she had waited so long to hear those words. "Anthony, I love you!"

Wrapping her arms around his neck she kissed him hard and sweet, "I want to leave now Anthony." She told him, and her eyes pierced into his until he nodded yes. 

To the side was Jeff and Abby, they smiled from ear to ear, and Claire narrowed her eyes and poked Abby in the arm, "You knew didn't you?" She accused.

Abby nodded, "Yes, Anthony called me a week ago and told me, but he swore me to secrecy."

"I'm so happy Abby!" Claire admitted, as fresh tears glided down her face.

"Please excuse us, we are leaving now, and do not wait up for us, we will be staying at the Ritz for a few days!" Anthony winked at them before he pulled Claire away and they disappeared into the night.

"Where are they going, and was that Anthony your classmate from school?" Jennifer asked.

Surprised, Abby hugged her mother tightly, "I'm glad you made it mother, yes that was Anthony from Maine South high school, she's dating him and they are in love." Abby laughed, "he came all the way from Jersey just to be with her so I don't think we will see them around for a few days."

Jeff extended his hand, "Jeff ." He said, to the man standing next to Mrs. Olsteen.

The handsome man took Jeff's hand and shook it, "George."

Mrs. Olsteen hugged Jeff, "Are you having a good time here?"

"So far so good," Jeff confirmed, "come let's get to the vip room, I can't barely hear a word you're saying."

The four of them walked to the private vip room and got acquainted with each other. George turned out to be a very pleasant man and Abby took an instant liking to him. Just watching the glow on her mothers face whenever she looked at George made Abby very happy.


"Anthony." Was all Claire was able to say, as her wardrobe was peeled away from her body by Anthony's trembling hands.

"I've missed you!"

Anthony's hoarse voice sent shivers of lust throughout Claire's body, as he pulled her into his strong arms.

"Make love to me Anthony before I lose my mind!"

"Are you sure you are ready to do that?"

Claire nodded and arched her back, her round and firm breasts perked up into anticipation, as she waited for Anthony to make love her.

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