Day by Day

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As the days flew by, Abby and Claire were keeping themselves busy with decorating the apartment they had rented. Jeff took pleasure in watching them, as they danced around the house planning and laughing.

It was good to see Abby laughing, Jeff thought, "Come here." He pulled her on his lap and circled his arms around her, "you need to take a small break, don't overload yourself, you're pregnant remember?

Removing herself from Jeff's lap, Abby went back to work with Claire and argued about the color of the curtains they would hang in the living room. "Oh come on Claire let's get something unconventional, something awesome like a rose color!"

Claire twitched her nose, "Thats not unconventional, that's a very common color, lets do purple!"

"Purple?" Abby laughed, "that's crazy Claire, purple is not the right color for our living room."

Looking at her, Claire smiled, she decided to allow Abby to choose whatever color suited her, she was after all having a baby and making her the Godmother. "Fine, rose it is then."

Walking up to Claire, Abby gave her a huge hug, "I love you." She told her best friend.

"I know." Claire admitted, "I will take a step back and give you the task of decorating the entire apartment."

"Really?" Abby said excitedly.

Claire nodded, "Here take my credit card and do with it as you please."

"Are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life Abby." Claire admitted, "however I do ask just one thing."

Raising an eye brow Abby asked, "And what would that be?"

"I would like to help you with the baby stuff, I mean, I want him to have everything!"

The rest of the day was spent in the computer ordering stuff for their apartment, Abby was in no condition to walk to the shops.

At dinner time Jeff walked through the door with a huge shopping bag and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. "Happy birthday Abby." He told her and smiled when he witnessed the expression on her face.

"What?" Abby exclaimed, "oh my gosh I forgot it was my birthday, how did you remember?"

"Claire reminded me," he answered, and placed the bag on the kitchen counter, "I bought dinner from the steak house down the street and these flowers are for you."

Abby took the flowers and searched the cabinets for a vase. "Thank you." She said simply, as she pulled out the vase from the shelf and filled it with water.

"Why don't you go sit down and let me take care of the flowers and dinner." Claire mused, "you have exhausted yourself today."

Abby did not argue the point, she really was tired and she sat herself down on the couch and watched as Jeff set the table.

"They smell so good," Claire chimed, amd placed the beautiful flowers in the vase with water. "Do you want the flowers to stay in the main room or would you want them in your bedroom?"

"Oh no leave them here Claire so we can all enjoy them." Abby answered, "and what's for dinner?"

Smiling, Jeff took out the food from the shopping bag, "Steak, bake potato, asparagus and hot oven bread, oh and I also got some truffles for afterwards."

"You're too good to me Jeff," Abby couldn't help but say, "I don't know what I would have done without you!"

The table was set and everyone took their place around the beautiful arranged table. They ate their dinner and talked non stop about the baby, and Abby was content that life couldn't possibly be any better than this.

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