Angry Decisions

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Steven did not get any sleep the night before, and he was in a very dark mood. Mary narrowed her eyes at him knowing what triggered his nasty attitude. She couldn't even speak to him without him barking at her for the simplest thing.

"You don't have to bite my head off!" Mary snapped, "I'm only trying to help!"

"Stop talking to me and give me space!" Steven snarled, "you hound me like a she wolf!"

Tears blurred her vision amd Mary wiped them away with the back of her hand, how dare he treat her with such disrespect, she thought angrily, but held her tongue, she wasn't about to lose him to that bitch Abby, she will do what she had to do to keep him by her side.

Turning around, Mary made the decision to keep the fake pregnancy a secret a while longer just to teach him a lesson, maybe, she thought, she will tell
him that she and her baby will move to Europe unless he marry's her. A wide smile curved on her face, it would serve him right!


Steven's insides were turning, he was going crazy and didn't know what to do. Abby was the only woman who brought him peace, but she didn't want him anymore, and on his own he didn't know how to receive peace in his mind and heart.

"Oh God," he mouthed out loud, he had to somehow find a way to stop feeling this pain or he would lose his mind, he thought.

He needed to get away from here, he needed peace and quiet, he needed to be alone and make sound decisions for his life, because the way things were now it wasn't going to work. He decided there and then to pack his belongings and go back to the condo.


"Mary he's leaving you again!" Mary's roommate yelled out from the sitting room, "I told you not to take him back!"

Mary came running into the living room, she had just stepped into the bathroom to brush her teeth when her roommate called out to her, "Steven?" she went running after him just as he was about to open the door.

Releasing a harsh sigh, Steven turned around slowly and faced Mary, "I think it's best I leave."

Tears of anger blurred her vision, knowing that she would have a tough time living without him, even now in his wrinkled and mismatched outfit that he wore, his long hair tangled and uncombed, and his unshaven face, he still looked gorgeous and she wanted to drop on the floor and beg him not to go, but her pride wouldn't let her, raising her chin up she squared her shoulders and blinked her tears away, "and our baby?" she asked, in a cold tone of voice.

"Our baby will be just fine," Steven answered her calmly, "I will provide for it when it arrives and will be a father to him no matter what."

"And you would just leave me to go through this all by myself, to suffer alone until the baby is born and then I would have to raise your child on my own with a stupid check your father will send me every month?"

Raking his fingers through his hair, Steven tried to keep his words to a bare minimum, but was not successful, "What the fuck do you want from me Mary!" He yelled, "I tried, I gave it my all, but I can't anymore!"

"So you're just going to leave, just like that!"

"Yes I am," Steven told her, "because you are a raving bitch and I can't deal with shit like that anymore!"

Mary watched him swing the door open and walk out, as if she didn't exist, as if he hadn't a care in the world, "Fuck you Steven, Fuck you and your baby too!" She screamed and slammed the door shut.

"I told you he was scum, but you didn't listen!" Her roommate called out after her, when Mary ran to the window.

"Fuck you too!" Mary yelled, "leave me the hell alone!"

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