Tis The Season to be Jolly

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It was a tough school year for Abby who was pregnant and always tired. She was sleep deprived because she stayed up reading and studying for the exams all night. It was mid November, and she was in her third trimester.

"I feel like shit!" Abby complained, and pushed her books to the side, "I need a break!"

Claire eyed Abby's huge stomach, "Please remind me never to get pregnant!"

Abby burst into laughter, and then Claire joined in and they laughed till tears glided down their faces, "Stop making me laugh, I don't want to pee on myself!" Abby complained.

"On a serious note," Claire stretched her arm and placed her hand on Abby's stomach, "what are you going to do? You know Jeff won't stop hounding you until you give him an answer."

"I'm not getting married to Jeff!" Abby said angrily, "he can't force me to marry him!"

"He can't, but your situation can!" Claire pointed out, "have you told your mother yet?"

"Of course not!" Abby snapped, "wouldn't I have told you if I had?"

"And how are you going to explain to her that you're not coming home for the holidays?"

"I'll find an excuse."

"And so your mother won't be here to support you on the day of the birth because of your selfish reasons!" Claire mused, "if the roles were reversed wouldn't you want your daughter to tell you she is pregnant and about to give birth!"

"Stop it Claire!" Abby yelled, "you think I don't want my mother to be here?"

"You don't want me to answer that," Claire admitted, "I mean this whole thing was wrong from the start."

"What do you mean?" Abby said defensively, "if I remember correctly it was you who convinced me not to tell Steven about the baby!"

"I was wrong Abby, I was so fucken wrong!" Claire admitted, "he is the father of your baby and he should know the truth!"

"And what if I tell him and he takes me to court?" Abby cried, "what then?"

"At this point Abby you don't have many choices," Claire started to cry, "I'm so sorry you are in this predicament." She leaned over and hugged Abby, "do not worry we will figure something out."

"When?" Abby cried, "Jeff is pushing for us to get married, and I'm almost ready to give in to his demands."

Claire pulled back and asked, "Do you think marriage to him is the right thing?"

"Like you said, at this point I don't have a choice Claire," Abby explained, "he is a decent man and will take good care of me and the baby I'm sure of it."

As the day wore on, Claire tried but did not succeed in relaxing her mind from the idea that her best friend was going to marry someone she was once in love with. Back in her room she dialed the number to the only other person in the world that she trusted.


Alarmed, Anthony asked, "What happened, are you all right?" Claire cried some more, "Claire!"

"I'm not happy Anthony, things here have been tough!" She revealed.

"Speak to me Claire," Anthony said anxiously, "what's troubling you?"

"I'm not at liberty to tell."

"You mean you don't want to tell me!" Anthony said nervously, not knowing if she had met someone else and wanted to break up with him.

"No Anthony, I do want to tell you desperately, but it's not my place to tell, and also I have sworn to secrecy!"

"It is my job to protect you and to keep you happy," Anthony told her, "why would you want to suffer alone?"

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