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Some of the pain had eased up and the swelling was finally going down. Abby placed the mirror on the table next to the hospital bed and sighed. She had missed her baby and was yearning to see him so she FaceTimed Jeff to see Stephan.

"He's asleep." Jeff said, "how are you doing, I'm was thinking to come to the hospital and see you." But although he loved her and he was her husband after all, he was in no mood to visit with her. Guilt wrapped around his heart and he said, "I missed you."

"I know I missed you too." She lied, "I can't wait to come back home, it has been an unbearable two days without Stephan!"

"What the hell happened  Abby?" He asked her.

"I will explain everything when I see you." She said, "I think the the doctor will release me today."

"I'll pick you up then."

"No don't, I'll call you ok?" She said, and then turned off the phone when she saw Steven come into the room.


"Hey." Abby said and smiled up at him.

"How are you feeling today?" Steven asked and sat himself at the tip of her bed and took her hand in his.

"I'm feeling much better," she replied, "but I miss my baby."

"Of course you do, you're a mom and that's what moms do." A stabbing pain twisted in his gut, the reminder that she had given birth to Jeff's baby was extremely hurtful.

The doctor walked in at that moment and headed straight to Abby's side. There was a smile on his handsome face and his eyes were bright with joy, and Steven wanted to barf in his face, as jealousy coursed through him.

"How is Afroditis  doing today?"

Abby laughed, "Who's Afrodotis?"

"The goddess of beauty." The doctor said, and watched Abby blush. "I will do a complete and thorough check up on you to determine if you should go home today or if you need one more day to heal and rest."

The handsome doctor turned to Steven and asked crisply, "Can you please exit the room for a few minutes?"

"I will not." Steven stated plainly, throwing a cold miserable look at the doctor and daring him to cause a seen.

The doctor sighed heavily and placed his stethoscope  on Abby's heart, "Your heart is beating normally." The doctor smiled and then took her temperature. Seconds later he confirmed, "your temperature is perfect," he then pulled back the blanket to check the wounds on her thighs and legs.

Steven stiffened, he couldn't tolerate anyone touching Abby, his possessiveness overwhelmed him and he wanted to strangle the doctor, as he watched the man's hands touch and feel Abby's body parts.

"Seems to me you are doing very well," he told Abby and pulled the blanket over her again, "but just to be on the safe side, I think one more day here will do you good. I will sign the release papers for you to leave tomorrow morning."

Steven was glad for that extra day, it would give him more time with Abby before she went home to the dog. The dog didn't even bother to come to be with his wife this morning, he was probably in bed with Claire, Steven thought with dismay. Poor Anthony, Steven thought, he is setting himself up for a huge disappointment.

Focusing his attention back on Abby, Steven waited patiently for the doctor to leave the room so he could have Abby all to himself. With each passing second, Steven felt a yearning to hold her in his arms, and never let her go. He gritted his teeth when the doctor pulled a strand of hair away from Abby's face and he slipped his hands in his pockets so he wouldn't put them around the doctors neck and strangle him to death.

Rash Reckless Love book two Where stories live. Discover now