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The music blasted away, as they drove on the highway headed to Princeton, New Jersey, it was one ride the boys would never forget.

"Yahooooo!" Jacob screamed loudly.

Anthony laughed wholeheartedly and beeped his horn when a car sped by next to them that sported college girls. He beeped his horn and the girls went wild with laughter.

Sitting in the back seat, Steven was shaking his head, a deep yearning in his stomach had gripped him and he closed his eyes. Abby's image appeared in front of him and he choked back a swear word. Raking his fingers through his thick, long mane of hair, Steven tried desperately to steer his thoughts away from her, but was unsuccessful.

"Damn it!" He blasted out loud not realizing that he had Anthony's and Jacob's attention.

Anthony looked in the review mirror and then swung a look to his right, Jacob nodded, immediately and turned his head around, "Steven, want to stop for lunch, there is a restaurant up ahead and it has the best ribs in this world."

"I'm not hungry!" Steven said, almost immediately.

Jacob looked at Anthony and said, "Why don't we stop, I think we should stretch our legs, we've been sitting in this car for five hours already and I'm starving!"

The next exit was up ahead, and Anthony pulled off the highway. Jacob took out his phone and searched Google for directions to a good restaurant. They found one a few miles down the road and headed in that direction. When they reached their destination, they piled into the restaurant, took a seat, gave their orders and were served quickly, but Steven was still in a foul mood and he couldn't seem to drag himself out of it.

"It's going to be hard being around you when you act this way Steven." Jacob said, "you're like a walking time bomb, we never know when you will explode!"

Nodding, Anthony added, "Jacob is right, we want our old friend back."

Steven stared at his plate and wanted to puke, putting his knife and fork down, he tried to gather his scattering thoughts before he spoke, "I'm not being a prick on purpose, I need time to put my head together, the pressure sometimes is too much."

"We know and understand, however,.."

Anthony cut Jacob off and said, "What Jacob is trying to tell you is that life goes on, we all fell in love and our hearts were broken at one time or another, but we survived it and so will you."

Steven didn't respond, he stared off in space knowing that no matter what he said they would never understand him. What they had were flings and infatuation, no comparison to how he felt for Abby. She was his life, his other half, his soulmate. How does one recover from that?

"There he goes again," Jacob complained, "he placed himself in that phase where he tunes us off and dreams a dream."

"Let's go easy on him," Anthony argued, "can't you see he's suffering?"


The rest of the drive to New Jersey was peaceful, Steven closed his eyes and thoughts of Abby plagued him, while Jacob and Anthony listened to alternative music. They arrived hours later and went straight to the condo which would be their home for the next four years, and after they dumped their bags and stuff in the hallway, all three of them went straight to their rooms and slept like logs all night.

Jacob was the first to wake up in the morning and he went into the other bedrooms and woke up the other two. "Let's go for a huge breakfast I'm starving!" He announced.

Everyone agreed and after they washed up and changed they headed out in search of a good restaurant that served good food so early in the morning.

"I think we should walk around town and get familiar with our surroundings." Anthony said lazily, after he had chomped down his entire huge breakfast and wiped his mouth.

Rash Reckless Love book two Where stories live. Discover now