Five Days Later

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"Are you out of your mind!" Anthony hissed, "why the hell would you marry a woman you don't love!"

"Because she's carrying my baby's that's why, because I almost killed her, because I almost went to jail!" Steven yelled, "do you still need more reasons?"

"That's all bullshit and you know it!" Anthony's exasperated sigh didn't go unnoticed by Steven, "you don't even know if the baby is yours!"

"Would you please get over it and come to the courthouse to be our witness!" Steven said through gritted teeth, "and forget all that other stuff, I'm going to do it with or without your support anyways!"

"Just because Abby married someone else doesn't mean that you have to throw your life away to that bitch Mary!" Anthony pleaded, "you don't love her!"

"If you ever call the woman I'm going to marry a bitch again I will never forgive you," Steven said, "I will learn to love her, I mean, she's carrying my child, she's beautiful, she is smart and she loves me, what more could a man ask for."

Anthony stared at Steven with disbelief, he understood now that whatever he told him he wouldn't listen, so he let out a harsh sigh and nodded, "Ok what time do we leave?"

"I just have to shave really quick and then we could head out," Steven said, as he walked into the bathroom, then he stuck his head out and said, "Thanks!"

Anthony raced to Jacob's room and and beat the door down, "What the fuck!" Jacob yelled, "you're going to break my door down!" Taking a step back, Jacob watched, as Anthony let himself inside his room, "what the hell happened now?"

Taking a deep breath of inhalation, Anthony raked his fingers through his thick mane of hair and said, "Steven has fallen off his rocker!"


"He's going to marry that crazy bitch!"


"I tried talking him out of it, but he is nuts and won't listen to anything I tell him!" Anthony complained, "I'm worried for him, Mary will destroy him!"

Jacob looked upset, "what can we do?"

"At this point nothing," Anthony said, "Steven won't listen and he insists I go with them to the court house to be his witness!"

"Wow," Jacob shook his head, "how did Steven go from the most popular, good looking tough guy to a man with no balls."

"Too late to do anything at this point," Anthony exhaled and walked to the door, "we're leaving now for the courthouse, wanna come with?"

Shaking his head, Jacob said, "No way, I refuse to be a part of this, Steven is headed down the wrong path and I want nothing to do with it."

"See you later then," Anthony said, before he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.


Claire's eyes almost popped out of their sockets when she read Anthony's text. "Oh no!"

"What?" Abby said, "what's going on?"

Throwing a cautious look her way, Claire debated if she should let Abby know that Steven was getting married. "Steven is getting married at the courthouse as we speak." She finally admitted.

"What?" Abby's heart hammered against her chest, she wasn't sure she heard correctly, "who's getting married?"

"Steven, he's marrying that girl Mary." Claire held her breath for Abby's reaction.

Blinking back the tears that threatened to spill, Abby asked, "Why would he do that, he's so young and he hardly knows her!"

"Something must have happened, because Steven isn't the type to marry this young." Claire was convinced of it, "hold on let me ask Anthony I'm sure he knows what the hell is going on."

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