Secrets and Pain

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He was asked a million and one questions and Steven was losing his patience. Abby was alone in the hospital going through who what knows what, and these police officers were keeping him from going to her by threatening him with jail sentence if he didn't cooperate and tell them the entire story first. They drilled him with the same questions over and over again until Steven was at his limits end.

"I've told you everything a hundred times already!" Steven burst out yelling, "you keep me here asking me the same thousand questions again and again while Abby is at the hospital all by herself!"

"We have to follow protocol," was the officers answer, "and if you don't cooperate with us we will have to place you under arrest!"

Steven clamped his mouth shut, last thing he needed was to go to jail. He released a harsh breath and answered for the millionth time the same question until the cops were satisfied with his answers.

"Count your lucky stars that your story is believable and you won't face prison time for murdering a man!" A police officer told him, "and you can't leave Massachusetts until we clear you. You are still under investigation limits and we need you close by in case there is more we need to analyze. Should you decide to disobey our orders and leave anyways, you will go to jail, do you understand?"

Steven nodded, and watched as the officer signed him out before he took his leave amd hurriedly got into a cab to go to the hospital. It was a hellish nightmare and Steven shut his eyes and waited for the stabbing pain to diminish. The cab driver watched him from the review mirror and felt sorry for the young man.

After he paid the cab driver, Steven hurriedly slammed the car door shut and went inside the hospital to the emergency room. He got a little bit of a run around until they finally escorted him to where Abby was.

Nothing prepared him for what he found once inside the room. Abby looked like a total mess, her hair was a total mess, her eyes were swollen, she had bruises on her face and her body and the tears were relentless.

He swallowed back a choking sob and leaned over to place a kiss on her cheek. "Abby." He whispered her name, but he was too choked up to say anything else.

Abby looked at him through her hooded, swollen eyes and more tears rolled down her face. She couldn't speak, her mouth was swollen and she was in tremendous pain. She looked scared and vulnerable, as she lay broken on the hospital bed. 

"He's dead." Steven said, "he will never hurt you again."

When her eyes were void of life and she seemed as if she were suffering on the inside as well as the outside, Steven said in a hoarse voice, "You are safe Abby, I will never allow anyone to hurt you ever again."

"Are you her brother?"

Steven turned around, the doctor was a tall and handsome, young man with a deep voice, and Steven narrowed his eyes at him, "I'm her boyfriend." He said, and straightened himself to his full six foot three inch height.

"Do you know what happened to her, she is unable to tell us anything." The doctor said, while he took Abby's pulse.

"She was taken hostage and raped repeatedly by her ...." He was unable to say father, it was inconceivable to him that a father could do this to us child. "A man." He finally said, and then turned his attention back to Abby who looked very upset by Steven's words.

"Relax," the doctor said, in a calm and soothing tone of voice, "you are in great hands here and you will recover. I will see to that myself, and make sure you are safe and sound."

Steven didn't like the way the doctor looked at Abby, and jealousy consumed him. This doctor looked young and he was much too good looking to be here, Steven thought miserably, and eyed the doctor with distaste.

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