A Change of Heart

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Holding himself back from grabbing Claire and squeezing her in his arms, Jeff watched the scene before him unravel, as Abby ripped Claire to pieces.

"You stole my husband and then just stand there and  think to apologize and I will forgive you?" Abby snapped.

"I never meant to hurt you Abby."  Claire cried, "I love you and Stephan very much!"

Anger gripped Abby and she pointed her finger in front of Claire's nose, "You have no idea how to love Claire!" Abby told her angrily, "you think I can just shove it under the rug and pretend this never happened?"

"I swear to you that it just happened ...."

"It didn't just happen Claire," Abby corrected her, "you always wanted Jeff, you loved him and resented me for marrying him!"

"That's not true," Claire came to her own defense, "when you married Jeff I was in love with Anthony, or at least at that time I thought that I was."

"You were delusional you never loved Anthony you had never gotten over Jeff and you despised me because he married me and not you!"

Tears rolled down Claire's eyes, as she shook her head, "No Abby I have never despised you, I have always loved you like a sister!"

Claire was even more beautiful when she cried, Jeff observed, as he took in her beautiful porcelain facial features. He stood frozen in time, and allowed himself to drown with love for her. He loved her still there was no denying that, and he now realized that he would love her forever.

"You loved me like a sister, yet you fucked my husband!"

Jeff held his breath for Claire's answer, he wanted to hear her admit that she still loved him. He needed to hear those words like the fish needed the water. He watched as her lips parted to speak, but nothing came out of her mouth. His heart hammered against his muscled chest, as he waited for the words, but as the seconds ticked by, she said nothing.

Finally when she spoke, the words came out of her mouth like a glittering, soft flowing river. "We never fucked Abby, we made love."

Jeff closed his eyes and sighed with relief, his heart hummed with love songs and he envisioned Claire undressing and laying on the bed, and motioning him to join her.

"You are a whore!" Abby spat, before she marched out of the sitting room.

Claire winced when she heard the bedrooms door slam shut, and more tears rolled down her face. "Oh my God." She cried.

Jeff was quick to grab her as she fainted, bringing her into the the other bedroom, he placed her gently on the bed and sat next to her. It was a few minutes before she opened her eyes and became aware of her surroundings and before she could even mouth the words no, Jeff's mouth covered hers.

The kiss was very powerful that it took her breath away, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on to him, as he continued to lose himself in the moment.

"Oh God Claire I thought I would never see you again," Jeff said horsely, after he tore his mouth away from hers, "I thought you had given up on us and were going to marry him!"

His mouth crashed over hers again, and Jeff began to unbutton the buttons on her shirt with trembling fingers. She was not wearing a bra, and his huge hands cupped her round and firm breasts gently.

Electricity whirled throughout Claire's body as his mouth and hands worked on pleasuring her, and she begged, "No Jeff, stop, this is wrong!"

Turning a deaf ear to her pleas, Jeff tried to undress himself and Claire, but with all her strength, she pushed him away and jumped out of bed. "This is not the time to be making love Jeff," she told him, as tears spilled down her face, and she buttoned her shirt with trembling fingers, "we have a serious problem and need to take care of it!"

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