A Broken Heart

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Crazy out of his mind with a million things that stabbed at his heart, Steven looked like a wild, savage beast. He grabbed himself a cab and headed straight to the apartment where Abby lived, and his body shook with rage.

When the cab driver pulled away after dropping Steven off in front of the apartment building, Steven rung the doorbell. Seconds later he was buzzed in and he took the stairs two at a time.

Claire was waiting by the door, her eyes wide with surprise. "What's going on Steven why are you here, is Anthony ok?"

Steven pushed her to the side and walked past her, "Where is she!" He growled.

"Who Abby?" Claire asked, and then she froze when she noticed that Steven's eyes had turn icy cold.

"Where is Abby!"

"She's not here." Claire said, as fear settled in the pit of her stomach. Something was dreadfully wrong and she prepared herself for the worst.

"Where did she go?" He asked, in a low and dangerous tone of voice.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" Jeff roared from across the room.

Steven watched the man he hated with all his guts march into the room and stand next to Claire with his hands on his hips, and rage filled him to the core. This was the man that stole Abby from him, this was the man that slept with her and this was the man that had taken his child from him.

Steven balled his fist and raised his arm, the punch caught Jeff by surprise and he almost fell backwards. "Get out of my business dog!" Steven snarled, "or next time I will kill you!"

When Jeff caught his balance, there was a murderous look on his face just as he was about to pounce on Steven, but Claire flew in front of both them and prevented another attack.

"Stop it!" She yelled, "both of you stop it right now!"

"If he doesn't leave right now I will kill him!" Jeff roared.

"You took Abby and my son away from me!" Steven yelled, "you think you can just get away with that!"

Steven pushed Claire out of the way and finally freed himself from the boiling rage that was deep inside of him and held him prisoner for three long years. Ignoring Claire's cries, his strength mounted to that of ten lions, as he jumped on Jeff and bashed his face over and over again until Jeff passed out cold.

Then jumping to his feet he turned around and stared at Claire, she stood frozen in time not sure what to do. Should she run for her life or should she stay and explain herself to Steven.

"Where. Is. She." He said in a calm and dangerous tone of voice.

"Please don't hurt her, she did the best she could under the circumstances, Abby loves you and is deeply wounded." Claire cried, "please ...."

Steven lost his patience and grabbed Claire from her shoulders and shook her, "Where the hell is she!" He roared, "tell me or I will rip your head off your shoulders!"

"She....she....is at the mansion.... ..."

Steven threw her to the side and ran out of the apartment. He was full of rage and hatred as he flagged down a taxi cab and ordered the cab driver to take him to the mansion.

An hour later he was dropped off, and the cab pulled away. Steven went through the back yard wanting to surprise Abby so she won't get away. As he made his way slowly, he heard the laughter of a young child. His heart did a double take, it was his son, he was sure of it.

When he reached around the the corner of the house he found a young little boy chasing after a ball. He stood quietly for five minutes as his eyes took in the the sight of the boy.

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