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Another month went by, the leafs were starting to turn colors of yellow, orange, gold and red. Abby's favorite time of year. A majestic scenery, God is an artist, Abby thought, with a stroke of His brush He creates masterpieces.

The crunching and rustle of the orange, red leaves under her foot, the wind blowing through her hair and the cries of geese flying south for the winter were the tell tale signs of fall, Abby thought, as she pulled her sweater together and zipped it.

She stopped at the corner and closed her eyes, inhaling a long, deep breath of fresh, crisp air. God is good, God is great, she thought, as she crossed the street and headed to school.

Her Louie Vutton school bag was strapped across her shoulder, it weighed a ton with all the books she needed for class. Today was a late day for her, her first class was well after lunch and she was glad for that. She loved to sleep in lately, the second trimester was all about eating and sleeping. She had gained a substantial amount of pounds and her clothes were getting tighter on her.

"We need to go shopping for clothes!" Claire had said the day before, "you're getting bigger and your clothes are getting tighter!"

"I'm fine," Abby insisted, but Claire took it upon herself to order ten maternity outfits from the Internet.

Now as she walked through the streets of Main, she smiled and knew how lucky she was to have Jeff and Claire in her life who take care of her as if she were a queen.


Steven held Carols hand as they walked to the lunchroom. He prayed he wouldn't bump into Mary, even though he knew she didn't attend class on Tuesdays, he was still cautious.

"We live together and sleep together, but I hardly see you!" Carol complained, "where were you last night till two in the morning?"

"For the tenth time, I was at a friends house studying!"

"It's bad enough that I have to suffer for the freaking tattoo on your chest with Abby's name written on it," Carol hissed in a lower tone of voice, "now I also have to endure you cheating on me!"

"You don't have to endure anything," dark sarcasm dripped from Steven's voice, "you are more than welcome to leave if you find it intolerable to live with me!"

"Bastard!" Carol hissed, before she turned around and walked away from him.

Steven watched her walk away and it felt like a ton of bricks fell off his shoulders. Carol was like a monkey on his back, he had made a huge mistake inviting her to stay with him at the condo.

"Hey man where's Carol?" Jacob asked, as he caught up to Steven in the hallway.

"I don't give a rats ass where she is!" Steven snarled.

"What the hell happened now!" Jacob asked, "I hear you two fighting from the first day she arrived and moved in, why you messing up one of the best things in your life!"

"Yes she is a good girl, but I'm sick of her and want her out, I don't want to destroy her, but I can't handle her nagging anymore!"

"Hey man you don't know what you are talking about, Carol is worth the trouble, she is beautiful, kind, loving, smart ...."

Steven stopped walking and turned to face Jacob, he took a good, long look at his friend and then smiled, "You son of a gun, you're in love with her!"

Jacob's face turned fifty shades of red, "No im not, but she...."

Slapping Jacob on his back, Steven laughed, "She's all yours and with my blessing too!"

They both walked into the cafeteria, grabbed a tray and waited in line, "Are you sure, like you won't be mad at me if I ask her out?"

Rash Reckless Love book two Where stories live. Discover now