Secret Lovers

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Spring was in the air, the trees bloomed, the aroma of budded flowers sprayed the air with perfume, and the little birdies chirped and made their nests for their families. Steven swallowed back a lump in his throat as he walked with his friend to the fast food joint down the street, this was Abby's favorite time of year and the thought of her drove him insane.

"What are you thinking?" Anthony asked with concern, "you seem deep in thought."

"Does it matter?" Steven responded, "I'm always thinking about this thing or that."

"I know Abby is this thing and that," Anthony said dryly, "you think after all these years that I don't know how you're mind operates?"

Steven ignored him and put his hands in his pockets, how was he about to lecture Anthony about Claire when he couldn't even take his own advice and move on with life without her. Abby was the very sole of his existence.

Time heals all wounds they say, but time hadn't healed his wounds, he was still suffering, he still dreamt of her and he still loved her more today than ever, so who the hell was he to lecture Anthony, he thought, as he stepped in front of the doorway and pulled it open.

"I'm starving!" Anthony said, as he followed Steven inside the burger joint.

They gave their food order and grabbed a seat in the back of the joint, "You ordered a feast to feed a kings army!" Steven laughed.

"I'm happy, and when I'm happy I have a huge appetite!" Anthony chimed happily.

Steven's heart broke in two, his friend was in for a rude awakening, and he pondered if he should be the one to wake him up. Why was life so difficult, he wondered. How much can one's heart take before it defaults?

"That's us man," Anthony said, when their number was called on the intercom, and he hurriedly lifted himself to his feet, "I'll get the food!"

Releasing a harsh sigh, Steven contemplated if he should just keep his big mouth shut and not say a single word. What if he was just delusional and Claire wasn't really cheating, maybe keeping quiet at this moment and time was the wise thing to do.

"Damn this stuff smells good," Anthony said, when he placed the huge tray on the table and sat down.

They each took their food and drink and ate in silence. When Steven finished, he pushed the tray to the side and looked at Anthony, as he tried to finish his huge meal.

"What?" Anthony asked, "why you looking at me like that?"

Shaking his head, Steven smiled, "You chomped down that food as if it was your last meal."

"Fuck you!" Anthony laughed, "your meal was huge too, why you picking on me!"

After they both had a good laugh, the smile left Steven's mouth and he stared at his friend with a serious expression on his face, "Have you talked to Claire?"

There was a hint of hesitation before Anthony spoke, and when he finally did he didn't sound too convincing. "Last week, she's too busy with studying for her exams."

Steven raised an eye brow, "Exams are over a month from now."

"She has fallen a little behind and is trying to catch up."

"Why don't you go visit her, it's been way too long since the last time you have gone to Massachusetts." Steven held his breath for his friends answer.

Anthony toyed with his straw and didn't look in Steven's direction, clearly something was bothering him, Steven thought, "Speak to me man what's going on?"

"Nothing is going on!" Anthony spat abruptly, "why do you always assume something is going on?"

"Why are you raising your voice?" Steven was a little unnerved, "I'm your friend and care about you!"

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