Last year of college

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The school year ended smoothly, And summer came and went, Steven's friendship with Victoria got much stronger, as well as their sleeping arrangements. They were still friends with benefits, but they had formed a bond that was unbreakable. Jacob and Carol were talking marriage after graduation, and Anthony and Bella were moving forward in a more positive and loving way with their relationship.

There was a lot of hustle and bustle in the new school year, as they scrambled to their classes and prayed for a good year. Steven was contemplating on getting his PHD, against his fathers wishes, but he still hadn't made up his mind one hundred percent.

The days seemed long, as he studied and researched on the computer, and wrote his essays during the night. He didn't have any kind of life besides the weekends when he spent time with Victoria going to dinners and trendy bars, and having sex all night long. That was his life in a nut shell.

Thoughts of Abby would creep up every so often, but he would suck in a shallow breath and try his hardest to push those thoughts away. The truth was and he knew it, that he would never really get over Abby, for he loved her more than life itself, but it didn't do any good to wallow in misery over her. He had to keep his mind focused on positive things and push himself to move on with life if he wanted any kind of life at all.

The nights were the hardest for him, when her image crept up on him as soon as he closed his eyes to sleep, and then sleep would elude him for hours on end. Sleeping with Victoria satisfied his thirst for sex, but there was nothing she or any other woman could do to satisfy his heart. Abby was the only cure for his unbearable pain, and he had to learn to live with that fact for the rest of his life.


Jeff and Claire had finally gotten married at city hall, with Abby and Stephan as their witnesses. They went to a nice dinner afterwards to celebrate their union and Jeff promised Claire that one day he would throw her a princess wedding.

"I don't need a princess wedding," Claire had said tearfully, "I have my Prince Charming and that's all that matters to me."

Jeff had given her the biggest kiss, and his heart sang with joy, knowing that life wouldn't ever get better than this. He loved Claire so much that he couldn't even think of a life without her.


The three of them had worked out a schedule with their classes that helped out with Stephan's needs. They took turns dropping him off to preschool and picking him up. They were all like one big happy family.

Abby felt blessed, but very lonely, watching how Jeff adored Claire every day made her feel extremely alone. Thoughts of Steven would hound her and she would cry herself to sleep every night, only to dream of him and wake up in the morning feeling alone and depressed all over again.

Her mother had asked her again a few times to come live with her and George, but Abby declined the offer because she wanted her mother to enjoy living alone with George, she was still a newlywed and deserved all the happiness she could get.

One Monday morning as she was standing last in line to hand in her essay at the end of the school day, her professor smiled up at her when it was her turn, and he took her paper, and said, "Miss Abby, you look refreshed today."

"Thank you." Abby smiled and walked away, but his next words stopped her in mid track.

"You seem to have struggled with your paper," he told her, as his eyes scanned the pages quickly, "did you need some help with your research?"

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