When All Hope is Lost

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"What happened?" Claire asked, she had a pounding headache and she felt like throwing up.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Jeff looked down at Claire and said, "You got drunk last night."

"I did?"

Nodding his head, Jeff confirmed, "Yes you did and you also tried to spill the beans!"

"What?" Mortified, Claire raised herself to a sitting position, "what did I say?"

"Your leg was rubbing up against mine under the table, and you said suspicious things that might have Abby questioning your behavior today!"

"Oh no." Claire dropped her face in her hands and cried, "I got jealous when Abby placed her hands on yours Jeff, I'm not sure how long I can deal with this secret!"

Jeff pulled Claire into his possessive arms and squeezed her tightly, "I know, I've been struggling with this too."

Pulling away from his hold, Claire asked, "Where is she?"

"She went to the beauty salon to get a hair cut and a manicure- pedicure."

"So she won't be back for another two hours at least!" Claire hurriedly undressed, "make love to me before I die from need!"

Jeff didn't waste another second, he removed his clothes and pulled Claire underneath him. His knee pushed Claire's thighs apart and he thrust possessively inside of her and took Claire to heights of passion that had her calling out his name in sweet ecstasy.

"I love you." He told her over and over again, and peppered her face with kisses.

Closing her eyes, Claire savored these moments of bliss in her heart. "We have to tell them as soon as possible, I can't live without you, when I see you and Abby together I want to puke!"

They cleaned up and dressed and then Jeff pulled Claire into the he sitting room, "we need to talk and make a plan, this has gone too far and we are both suffering."

"Yes," Claire agreed, before she sat down on the couch and waited for Jeff to join her.

"We need to tell them soon before they find out on their own and never forgive us." Jeff sat down next to Claire and with a serious expression on his face, he asked, "do you have any idea how Anthony will handle the truth?"

"I'm not sure, he hasn't been himself lately and I worry for him." Claire admitted, "I'm so scared to tell them the truth. Abby will never forgive me and she will spit in my face, and who knows how Anthony will react, I mean, I think he is already depressed and in a world all of his own."

"That's his problem not ours!" Jeff was sick and tired of putting everyone's else's needs above his and Claire's, "it's been two long years of pleasing everyone but us, and I'm sick and tired of this!"

"I'm not sure I can live with the fact that Abby won't ever speak to me again and who knows what Anthony will do once he finds out the truth!"

Placing his hands on Claire's shoulders, Jeff said hoarsely, "I love you and you love me, and we should be able to live our lives and be happy! I want you Claire, I want to marry you and have children with you, I want to wake up everyday with you by my side and not have to sneak around to be together!"

"Ok we will tell her as soon as she comes home!" Claire said.


Anthony was in agony, he wasn't stupid, he knew the awful truth and was holding g on only by a thin thread. She doesn't love him, she never loved him. The pain in his gut was horrendous, the thought of committing suicide was becoming more and more appealing to him.

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