The End of Innocence

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The baby wailed loudly in the other room and Claire ran to the baby's room and picked up the infant in her arms. Jeff followed after her, but she yelled at him.

"Stop!" She yelled, "go away please."

"I will not go away Claire, I'm here to stay!" His face was swollen and full of bruises.

"Please Jeff," Claire begged, "go away and leave me be!"

Claire had already regretted what she had done, and couldn't get the image of Anthony's pain and suffering out of her mind. She had hurt him and she knew that she would never forgive herself. Anthony was a good man and had treated her like a queen, and she did him wrong.

Taking the baby from Claire's arms, he told her, "Please go get his milk."

Claire hurriedly left and came back minutes later with a warm bottle of milk. Jeff took the bottle and fed Stephan. "When I feed him, I will put him back down and then we need to talk!"

Without responding to him, Claire turned around and left the room. She had a pounding headache and her heart twisted with pain. Never in her wildest dreams would she have ever thought that she would find herself in this predicament. Torn between two lovers, two good men whom she loved and adored.


Back in their hotel room, Anthony paced back and forth with anger, "I'm so broken Steven!" He yelled, "and I don't know what to do!"

"Well the first thing you should do is calm down," Steven told him, "it doesn't help to be upset and full of rage."

"I can't believe what happened today," Anthony said, "I trusted her so much and she lied to me!"

"She did not lie to you, she was truthful." Steven corrected him.

"She fucked Jeff!" Anthony spat, "he touched her, and this whole time I was with her she wouldn't let me touch her in that way!"

"Jeff was her first love and they had unfinished business those two." Steven pointed out.

"And that makes it alright to sleep with a married man!" Anthony painfully said, "she acted like the Madonna, but she was a whore!"

"Stop!" Steven yelled, "Claire is not a whore and you know it!"

Tears of frustration glided down Anthony's handsome face, "She is not a whore, but the fact still remains that she slept with Jeff, and she betrayed me in the worst possible way!"

When Anthony's iPhone rang he saw that it was Claire calling him, and didn't answer, but placed the phone on the nightstand.

"Answer the call and talk to her," Steven insisted, "hear what she has to say, find out what lays in her heart. You can fix this Anthony, but you have to make the effort."

When the iPhone rang again, Anthony answered it and Claire started to cry, "Please don't hang up," she begged, "I need to see you and talk with you."

"We have nothing to say you and I." He told her coldly.

"Please Anthony," she cried, "I need to explain to you what is in my heart, I love you, and if you feel even a little bit of love for me please don't turn me away."

Anthony closed his eyes, and released a harsh sigh, "I'm at the Hilton." He told her and then ended the call.


Claire cried happy tears, she grabbed her jacket and headed towards the door to leave, but Jeff's voice stopped her cold.

"Don't go to him." He begged.

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