History Repeats Itself

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Silence draped around the hotel room, except for Claire's sniffles from crying her heart out. Claire was heartbroken and felt ashamed of herself for what she had done. She wasn't sure Anthony was ever going to forgive her, but she promised herself that she would not stop trying until he held her back into his arms.

"Will you forgive me?" Claire asked after waiting for an eternity for him to speak.

Anthony let out a harsh sigh, but did not answer her question .

"I know you don't love me anymore and you want me to leave, but......"

"I love you Claire." Anthony interrupted her and said, "I will always love you, but...."

Claire didn't wait for him to finish, she dashed across the room and fell into his arms. "Thank you Anthony." She told him and kissed his face a hundred times.

Anthony pulled her away from him and held her at bay, "Stop Claire, I said I love you, but I'm not ready to have a relationship with you, I'm still hurting!"

"I know Anthony and I don't blame you," Claire told him, "but how can we work through this if you keep shutting me out?"

"I'm not sure I want to work through this," Anthony explained, "I think for now I would like to be left alone to heal."

Her heart hammered against her chest, and a rivulet of tears glided down her beautiful face, "Please Anthony, don't do this, I'm not sure I can handle this!"

"You're not sure that you can handle this?" Anthony asked sarcastically, "what is there for you to handle, it is I that got hurt and not the other way around!"

"I know that," Claire admitted, "but do you think you're the only one hurting, I can't live without you Anthony, and the pain is excruciating!"

"Why do you always turn it around and make it about you all the time, you're the one that didn't believe in us, you're the one that cheated on me and broke us up, you did this not I!"

"I did Anthony, and I will probably pay for it for the rest of my life, and I'm ok with that as long as I know that you still love me and that we still have hope in salvaging our relationship."

Closing his eyes, Anthony raked his fingers through his thick mane of hair, "Claire I think you should move on with your life and not wait for me, I don't think I can ever get over the fact that you slept with someone else."

"Please Anthony don't talk like that!" Claire cried, and threw herself on Anthony.

Pushing her away again, Anthony said hoarsely, "You did this not I."

"I understand that, but you aren't even given me a chance to explain!"

"Explain?" Anthony yelled, "there is nothing to explain, you fucked another man Claire!"

Dropping to the floor in tears, Claire cried her heart out, and Anthony was angry at himself for hating the fact that Claire was suffering, so he angrily smashed his fists against the wall.

"Damn it!" He yelled, and then leaned against the wall, dropped to the floor and shut his eyes, as he tried to ignore the twisting pain in his heart.


Steven stared at Abby on the bed looking helpless and vulnerable, before he rushed to her side and collected her into his possessive arms. He buried his face on the nape of her neck and cried his heart out. He loved this woman so much that it was unbearable to think about what could have happened should he had gotten here too late.

Squeezing her tighter in his arms, he held on to her for dear life. He loved her so much that it hurt knowing that he would have to leave her yet again. So he held on to Abby as long as he could, enjoying the feel of her in his arms, relishing every second of their time together and daring to hope that she would beg him to stay with her forever.

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