I Beg Of You

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Abby walked inside her room and Jeff was standing with his palms up against the wall and his chin dropped to his chest. He was completely naked and looked like a Greek God, Abby thought, as she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. At first Jeff stiffened, but then he relaxed and turned himself around.

For the first time ever when he looked into her eyes, Jeff did not see any sign of regrets, instead there was acceptance and a hint of need in them. Was she finally ready to give herself to him after all this time, he wondered, or was he wishful thinking?

His heart now belonged to Claire, and he knew that sleeping with Abby would not change the fact that Claire was the only woman in the world that he loved, she held the key to their future, but she denied him today and broke his heart.

Placing his hands on her shoulders, he pulled Abby close to him and pressed a kiss on her plump lips. It didn't feel the same as when he kissed Claire, for she held his heart, but he couldn't waste his life away with a woman who couldn't decide what she wanted to do. Clearly Claire still carried feelings for Anthony in her heart and Jeff wasn't willing to share.

He slowly undressed Abby, and then his appreciating gaze swept over her naked body. She was very beautiful, every mans dream come true, but Jeff could not get Claire's image out of his mind. Taking Abby by the hand, he pulled her to the bed and they both lay down.

Abby gave herself freely to Jeff on this night and there was a time a long time ago that he would have treasured her, but his heart now belonged to Claire, and there was a deep void in his heart, as he thrust inside of Abby. When it was over and done with, he pulled away from her and turned to his side and faked sleep.

Closing her eyes, Abby was confused and hurt. She was smart enough to understand that what just happened between the two of them meant nothing to him. It was just a way to release their tension, and nothing more. She could tell that when he made love to her his mind was elsewhere and she wondered if he had met someone at school and was having an affair. Not that she would blame him if it were true, she understood that he had manly needs and she hadn't providing him with any sort of satisfaction until now.

Steven clouded her mind as always and she cried herself to sleep that night. Abby knew that in the morning she would have a load of regrets for sleeping with Jeff, and hoped that Claire would be available to talk to, for she needed advice on how to handle the situation.

In the morning when Abby awoke, the bed was empty, and she was relieved that he was gone, because she wasn't sure if she could face him after last nights intimacy. Abby hurriedly dressed and went in search of Claire.

She found Claire in the kitchen feeding Stephan, "Thank you Claire," she said, and sat in a chair at the table, after dropping a kiss on Stephan's head, "have you seen Jeff this morning?"

Not trusting herself to speak, Claire shook her head and continued to feed Stephan.

"I woke up and Jeff was gone."

"What happened?" Claire found herself asking.

"Well, you know, we ...."

"You slept with him?"

"I did and you know what?"

"What?" Claire asked, as pain speared through her body at the thought of Jeff touching another woman. She had stayed awake all night crying her heart out and decided that she couldn't live without him. She was going to tell Abby and Anthony that she loved Jeff and wanted to be with him. She decided to risk everything and make a life with Jeff. The decision didn't come by easy, but she was finally ready to tell the world how much she loved Jeff, because she didn't want to lose him.

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