Two Weeks Later

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Two whole weeks of suffering passed, Steven was in turmoil about a million things. He missed Abby to a point of no return. He felt responsible for Anthony's agony because he was the one that introduced Claire to him, and he couldn't help but hate Jeff's guts.

He chained smoked one cigarette after another, his only way to relax himself, but this time it didn't work, because he was very unnerved and angered. Walking alone through the crowed streets of Jersey, Steven let out a harsh sigh, life sucked, he thought, as he crossed the street and walked towards the park that was filled with the laughter of children of all ages, as they played ball and chased each other.

Sitting himself on a wooden bench, he observed his surroundings and pulled out another cigarette, lit it and smoked. His eyes searched the park for the perfect target point where he could stare at and just meditate quietly to relieve his stress, but as he tried to do that, an image of Abby appeared before his very eyes and his heart stopped.

She was smiling and running playfully across the park, the wind blew through her lustrous hair and she was filled with laughter, as she playfully ran after a bunny. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he quickly took the last draw of his cigarette and immediately pulled out of his pocket a box of Marlboro's for another smoke.

"Stop smoking !" He heard her tell him every time he smoked, and he would pull her in to his arms and love her to pieces.

The experience of loving her and losing her had taught him to be patient. He could not accept the fact that he would never have Abby again in his life, so he learned to wait, for one day she will be back, he kept telling himself so he wouldn't go insane. In the meantime, he threw himself in other peoples lives and worried over them, or he was reading and studying telling himself that he was going to get his degree and fix his life, and then he would go find Abby and beg her to come back to him.

He couldn't very well go to Abby now without a future, he had to put all his ducks in a row before he went to her and begged for her return. Those thoughts were what kept him sane. Without those dreams, he would have ended his life just to end his torture.

At least from the three of them, Jacob's life was going in the right direction. Carol and him seemed to be falling in love and they looked happy and content. Anthony was a whole other story, Steven was afraid of the outcome, because his friend didn't look stable. There was a time that Anthony was the most put together guy he had ever met, and now all that changed. He always looked stressed out, and unhappy. Claire was no good for him, he thought, she will be the end of him and that thought scared Steven to pieces, but at least Claire listened to him and put a hold on marrying Anthony.

The sad part was that Anthony was devastated that his plans to marry Claire were put on hold again and it took a toll on him. He wasn't eating right, his grades at school dipped and he wasn't social.

Closing his eyes. Steven inhaled sharply and then exhaled. He would keep an eye on Anthony at all times not trusting him to keep his cool. The tables had turned, a long time ago, it was Anthony that helped him stay sane when Abby left him, and now he would return the favor.



Looking up from his newspaper, George smiled, "Yes my love."

"Have you taken Cucci out for his morning walk yet"

"Not yet," George confessed, and lifted himself to his feet, "I will in a few minutes."

Jennifer sat herself down on the couch and smiled, life was good, she thought, over the years she had her share of hardships, but everything finally fell into place. Her mind traveled back a few years when she and George had returned from their trip to Park Ridge Illinois, when they had gone to steal the Cucci from Henry's house.

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