Wedding Bells

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The bell rang loudly in the bell tower of Saint Johns Cathedral in Cambridge Massachusetts. The Italian architecture with it colored limestone and marble reflected the middles ages with its gothic design. The high alter sits underneath the beautifully, stained glass  window, whose colors imitate sun drenched Italy when the bright sun rays pierce through the beautifully colored stained glass windows. The church was magnificently built in 1904 and was modeled to resemble Basilica di San Zeno in Verona Italy.

The priest was tall, lean and had salt and pepper hair, his voice was deep and sounded old, as he said his final words and married Jennifer and George in Saint Johns cathedral. The beautiful bride was dressed in an elegant white gown, of French silk and lace that showed off the soft curves of her body. Happy tears trailed down her lovely face and George who looked as handsome as ever in his black tuxedo held her hand tightly after saying his vows, he was over emotional on this blessed day that marked the happiest day of his life.

Abby and Claire were also in tears, as they watched the lovely ceremony from the front pew, and Jeff who sat next to them daydreamed of the day he would be standing at the alter with Claire as his bride. Stephan glanced at the alter a few times, but he was engrossed in his little toy truck that Abby had brought with to preoccupy him and keep him seated instead of running down the isles screaming.

They were all in their own little world, as they witnessed the marriage between Jennifer and George, and when all was said and done and the ceremony was over, the bride and groom walked down the three steps from the alter and everyone hugged and kissed each other happily.

"Momma I'm so happy for you!" Abby cried.

Jennifer had tears in her eyes as she gathered her daughter in her arms, "Thank you darling, I'm so happy!"

George hugged the both of them at the same time and then Claire and Jeff joined in and they all laughed and cried together.

"Mommy what happened?" Stephan innocently asked when he witnessed the small group hugging and kissing each other.

George collected Stephan in his arms and laughed, "Grandma and grandpa got married!" He told him, and placed a sweet kiss on his cheek.

Walking out of the cathedral with her husband hand in hand, Jennifer looked up to the sky and sent a silent thank you to God for her good fortune.

After a million pictures were snapped and the photographer announced he was done and left, they all climbed into the limousine and headed out to the steak house to celebrate the marriage in style.

Anthony opened his eyes early in the morning and he looked around confused as to where he was, until he remembered that he had spent the night at Bella's apartment. Turning his head, he witnessed Bella sleeping like an angel next to him.

His mouth curved into a smile, she was beautiful and a wild cat in bed, he thought, as memories from the night before engulfed him, but the smile soon faded and his eyes hazed with pain, for although they had made beautiful love together, she wasn't Claire.

His beautiful Claire whom he loved with all his heart and soul. His heart tugged and pulled and reminded him that only Claire could satisfy him in all aspects of life, only she had the power to do so. His handsome face creased with pain and he closed his eyes and saw an image of her.

His heart twisted with pain and he became dangerously close to falling into depression again. At that moment Bella stirred and he quickly pulled himself out of his misery and smiled at Bella just as she opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Hello." She said, shyly.

"Hello beautiful." Anthony answered.

Pulling Bella into his arms, Anthony kissed her roughly, wanting and needing desperately for the image of Claire to disappear. They made love again and again, until noon had come and gone.

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