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He didn't know why he kissed her back, maybe it was because she insisted or maybe it was because she rubbed her breasts up against his chest, and wrapped her arms around him, and his swollen cock pressed against his jeans, but regardless of that fact, he knew that he would not start a relationship with her or any other woman for that matter anytime soon.

Sleeping with them was one thing, but being in a relationship with them was a whole other story. He wasn't ready for a relationship, Abby ruined that for him. In his troubled mind he still held the thought that one day Abby will be back in his life.

He didn't regret sleeping with Victoria, a man needs to get his rocks off and it was long overdue, although he probably wouldn't of done it had he not been drunk, but he was glad he did. His swollen cock needed to relieve itself from the pain and pressure of sexual tension.

How odd, he thought, that the universe brought him to her. Their parents had been trying for a few years to introduce the two of them. Although he wasn't for the idea to merge his fathers company with Victorias fathers company, the idea of their company's merging was something he needed to look in to.

Maybe he had overlooked something, he thought, and made a mental note to look into the matter as soon as he could. It was definitely up for discussion though, his father was a smart man and he would never merge his company with another if there wasn't something in it for the good of the company.

Making his way to the hospital again, Steven smiled at all the events that led up to today. Anthony finally let go of Claire, he found himself another to throw his attentions on, Jacob and Carol were on the right track with their relationship, and Victoria came into his life when he was sexually frustrated.

Taking a moment to smoke a cigarette before Steven went into the hospital, he leaned against the wall of and inhaled a long puff.

"That will kill you one day." A nurse who had just finished her shift and was headed home threw over her shoulders, as she headed to the parking lot.

If the cigarette didn't kill him missing Abby would, he thought bitterly, so what was the point to stop smoking? One way or another he would die, everyone dies from something and he would probably die from a broken heart.

Stop chasing after a dream, Abby is not in your league, you're hoping to get back the crystal when you can have the diamond! Your a fool, Victoria is a beautiful, strong and independent woman and comes from the same background as you, give her a chance, seems to me she would be able to fulfill all your fantasies.

Inhaling a long deep puff of his cigarette, Steven threw the rest to the ground and pressed his shoe over it. His thoughts disturbed him. Was he wasting his time chasing after Abby, would he ever get her back or should he put those thoughts to rest and move on with his life, he wondered, as he opened the glass doors and walked to the elevator.

Fact was that if he would ever start a relationship, Victoria was the kind of woman that he could be happy with. She was every man's dream, but she wasn't Abby. His mind always returned to thoughts of Abby, so how was he to start any relationship if his heart wouldn't give up on Abby?

Pulling together his scattering thoughts before he entered Anthony's room, Steven pushed open the door to the hospital room only to find the nurse straddling Anthony on his bed. For a second he didn't know if he should leave or announce himself, but then he decided to stay.

Clearing his throat loudly, caused the nurse to jump up and almost fall off the bed. Steven tried, but wasn't successful on keeping a straight face. "You're lucky it was me who entered the room, and not another nurse or worse a doctor!" 

Bella's face turned crimson red with embarrassment, as she hurriedly walked past him and exited the room. Steven grabbed a chair and placed it next to the bed. Anthony looked annoyed that Steven interrupted them, but he said nothing.

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