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Mary was feeling desperate and needed to shake Steven up a little bit for attention, him ignoring her for this long had to come to an end, she was miserable and had to move fast and teach him a lesson, she would do anything for him, but the one thing she would not do is give him up.

Today would be the day she would fake her miscarriage and try to get pregnant for real, she thought, that way she too can have a hold on him the way Abby does.

Looking down at Steven sleeping so peaceful made her heart skip a beat. She loved this man so much that it hurt. He was so gorgeous , she thought, and I will not allow anyone to steal him from me, he is my husband!


Abby amd Claire had just put the baby back in it's crib for it's nap, and then they went to the window and stared outside at the ugly site of the blizzard.

"I hope Jeff is ok out there in this awful weather, what was he thinking taking off like that!" Abby said, with concern laced in her voice.

Claire turned to face Abby, she looked astonished hearing those words coming out of Abby's mouth, "This is all your fault, how much do you think a man could take of this bullshit!"

Narrowing her eyes, Abby snapped, "This you call bullshit is all his fault!"

"Yeah yeah I know, you told him from the beginning that you love Steven!" Claire sneered, "go ahead and stick the knife deeper and deeper in his already bleeding heart!"

Abby followed Claire to the couch and sat next to her, "Why are you turning on me, I though we were friends!"

"We are friends, but what you are doing to Jeff is monstrous," Claire pointed out, "he is a human being with real feelings, and you're messing with his heart. You and Steven are both married now, so why are you still clinging to the idea of him? Why don't you at least try to give Jeff a chance, and if you're so stubborn and can't do that at least don't hurt him Abby!"

Tears welled up in her eyes, and Abby wiped them away with the back of her hand, "It's not fair to blame me, my heart wants what it wants, I can't dictate to my heart who to love!"

"Abby wake up!" Claire's tone of voice softened, "Steven is gone and won't be coming back, Jeff and the baby are your life now."

"You think I haven't tried, I've tried damn it, but I can't love Jeff in the same way I love Steven, Steven will always be the man of my heart."

"And I understand that, but since you are married to Jeff can you at least be nice to him, I mean, naming Stephan Steven's grandfathers name was very hurtful to Jeff, especially the fact that you couldn't even give Stephan Jeff's last name, why would you give him the last name of Colber?"

"Because his fathers last name is Colber!"

"Right and I thought we are hiding the fact that he is the father, Abby!" Claire pointed out, "I can't even imagine the pain Jeff must be feeling!"

When Abby was about to argue the point, Claire's eyes dropped to Abby's hand and her mouth opened wide, "where is your engagement ring and why are you wearing the ruby ring that Steven had given you!" Claire yelled, "are you out of your mind? Take that thing off now before Jeff comes and you destroy him!"

"I can't Claire," Abby cried, "when I wear it I feel closer to Steven."

Placing her two hands on Abby's shoulders Claire yelled, "You're self destructive, here you have a man who is willing to raise your son as his own, and give you a life of a Princess and you disrespect him in such a way. I beg of you, take the damn thing off and wear your engagement ring before Jeff comes home, please Abby do it if not for Jeff, do it for Stephan."

Rash Reckless Love book two Where stories live. Discover now