The Truth is Out

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Claire was having a miserable day, feelings she had kept hidden had resurfaced and she couldn't do a damn thing about it. Each time she ignored them more feelings would consume her.

The night before she had FaceTimed Anthony when she had gotten herself in the bed. They made love over the phone, but it just wasn't the same anymore. She loved Anthony very much, but thoughts of Jeff were haunting her and she was scared that she might give in to temptation. Jeff was after all her first love, and it would be a fantasy come true were she to have an affair with him.

Knowing that thought was completely wrong, not wanting to hurt Anthony whom she adored and also her best friend Abby, Claire decided to kill those thoughts and play it safe, and focus her attention solely on her relationship with Anthony.

The streets were cleared of snow, but signs of the blizzard were everywhere. Cars were snowed in their parking spots, mountains of snow was piled throughout the neighborhood and the chill in the air was stinging.

The snow crunched underneath Claire's shoes as she walked to school on this crispy clear day. The sun had found a way to pierce through the clouds and shine its rays making the scenery before her look magical, as it glowed on the snow and blasted its light across the neighborhood.

Rushing to school, Claire decided to stop at the library before she went to her class having an hour to kill, she figured she would start her essay that was due at the end of the week.

The library was full of students busy on their computers with assignments. Claire found a table near the window and sat herself down. Taking her computer out of her school bag, she placed it on the table and waited for it to turn on.

"You're here early enough."

His hot breath caressed the back of her neck and Claire felt goosebumps crawling down her spine. She closed her eyes and swallowed, as hidden feelings from the past resurfaced and her heart hammered against her chest vigorously.

"Mind if I join you?" Claire shook her head, and Jeff sat himself down next to her. "

"I didn't know you have a morning class today." She told him, as she tried hard to control her beating heart from bursting.

Jeff studied her for a moment, before he asked, "Why haven't I noticed all this time how beautiful you are Claire?"

Feeling extremely uncomfortable, Claire cleared her throat and started to type on her computer, until Jeff placed his hand on hers.

"Stop typing and look at me," he told her in a husky tone of voice, and when Claire lifted her hooded gaze at him, he said, "I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable, it's just that I suddenly feel an urge to kiss you."

Claire closed her eyes and allowed for a tear to slide down her face. "Please don't."

Jeff wiped the single tear away, "I was a fool to have let you go Claire, I should have loved you when we were back home."

"Please I'd rather we talk about something else," she begged him, "I love Abby and do not want to hurt her were she to find out what we are discussing!"

Jeff leaned back in his chair, "Notice how you didn't mention Anthony, but your first and only thought was about Abby?"

"Stop it!" She hissed, "I love Anthony, I shouldn't have to explain my love for him to you, you need to concentrate on your wife and child, and stop talking about what could have been. I have moved on and am going to marry Anthony and...."

Jeff didn't let her finish what she wanted to say, his lips crashed over hers brutally and nearly took her breath away. She gave in to temptation just for a second before she pulled away and slapped Jeff hard across his face.

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