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The blizzard came and went leaving behind destruction amd tragedy. The bitter cold and the gusty winds had a tremendous amount of lake effect and the temperatures dropped way below zero.

"Oh my God," Carol exclaimed, "even the windows are frosted, the snow has come in from the side of the window how is that possible?"

Everyone ran to the window to see for themselves, except Steven who was in his own little world pondering on how his life had come to this pathetic state.

"Steven come look!" Mary motioned for him to come, but Steven didn't even hear her. Mary narrowed her eyes, she knew he was thinking of Abby again, he hadn't touched her sexually since they got married and she was on the verge of a panic attack, especially since she hadn't done anything about the fake miscarriage yet.

Jacob left the window and walked over to where Steven sat, "You all right man?" He spoke softly so no one else will hear him.

"I'm fine." Steven answered, then he got up and walked to his bedroom and shut the door.

Jacob threw Anthony a look of dismay and they both knew what was happening. Steven was falling into depression again, and they had to do something fast before it got worse.

"Mary, let's fix some breakfast for our boys!" Carol chirped.

Both girls went to the kitchen and Anthony amd Jacob took this opportunity to talk to Steven. They went to his room and opened the door and found Steven crouched down in the corner all sweaty and trembling.

Alarmed, the boys both grabbed him by the shoulders, pulled him to the bed and threw him on it.

"You need help Steven!" Jacob was the first to speak.

"We should call the doctor!" Anthony said when Steven didn't even blink. "He looks terrible."

"I'm fine," Steven growled, "get the fuck out of my room!"

"Stop yelling or you will alert the girls," Anthony hissed, "you will seek help or Jacob and I will call your father!"

There was a moment of hesitation, Steven knew he needed help, but was too proud to admit it, finally he said, "Make me an appointment and I will go."

Relief flooded Anthony's face and he looked thankfully at Jacob before he said, "I'll try to get you in on Friday after class."

Steven nodded and the three of them walked back to the other room, where the girls had set the breakfast table.

"Just in time boys," Mary said happily, "we have prepared bacon, sausage, eggs, toast and freshly squeezed orange juice!"

Everyone took their seat and ate in silence. Mary threw many glances towards Steven and even tried small talk with him, but he was in a world of his own. No one dare mention why he was so quiet and pushing his food from one side of the plate to the other with his fork.

When they finished, the girls cleaned up with the help of Anthony and Jacob. Steven excused himself and locked himself into his bedroom again. Mary didn't dare question his behavior in front of the others, she kept her anger to herself and was careful to not let it show.


Jennifer sat down on the couch and watched George, as he peered out of the huge window in the living room. "This is a big one!" He said, "it looks like we will be snowed in, good thing I told the maid to go grocery shopping for us, so we can eat while we hibernate."

Closing her eyes, Jennifer gave a whispered thanks to the Lord for bringing in to her life such a loving, generous and kind man.

Turning around, George asked, "Honey are you alright?"

Rash Reckless Love book two Where stories live. Discover now