Anger and Dismay

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It felt good to lay on his own bed, Steven swore off women, he wanted to stay celibate for a while. Crazy bitches, he thought, why couldn't he have just a normal girlfriend, why do they all turn lunatic on him?

This was a difficult time in his life and he was ready to be alone and find some peace and quiet. At this point in his life he didn't see a future for him that was with another woman besides Abby, and that dream alone was not an impossibility at this point so he preferred to remain celibate and concentrate on his school.

When someone knocked on the bedroom door, Steven was too engrossed with himself, because he was wallowing in misery, that he didn't hear anything until Anthony opened the door and stepped inside the room.

"Hey are you alright?" Anthony asked, when he saw the dead expression on Steven's face. "What's happening?"

"Why does something always have to be happening!" Steven answered, "why can't there just be nothing happening for once?"

Anthony pulled a chair and placed it close to the bed and sat on it, "Come on man, spit it out what's up your ass?"

"That's exactly my point," Steven complained, "why does something have to be happening, why can't it be that I'm just chilling and don't want to be bothered?"

"Because I just came back from seeing Abby and I know you'd give your life just to find out information about her, that's why!"

Immediately Steven's eyes hazed with pain, "Tell me." He said in a softer tone of voice.

It was an hour later when Anthony told the entirety of the story, Steven wanted to know every little stinking thing. Most of it was unbearable to hear, but never the less, he still wanted to know everything.

Steven swallowed, and then asked, "Does motherhood become her?"

Anthony didn't want to say much knowing very well that the more he says the more his friend will suffer, so he chose his words carefully and kept them at a bare minimum.

"I guess."

"Does the baby's look like him or her."

Narrowing his eyes, Anthony tried to picture the baby, but to his surprise he couldn't really remember much of it, "Well it's a baby's and they will change many times over."

"Is the dog excited to have a family?" My family! Steven thought, as the stabbing pain resurfaced and hit him square in the gut.

Releasing a sigh, Anthony clamped his mouth shut, he noticed how Steven tightened and twisted his hands on the bed sheets, and knew that his friend was suffering.

"Want to go for lunch, looks like you've been missing your meals again."

"I'm not hungry."

"School is starting in a few days and you will need all your energy to maintain your grades!" Anthony pointed out, "let's go for a nice walk and then stop at the burger joint and grab a burger!"


George walked into the bakery all smiles and hiding something behind his back. When Jennifer spotted him, her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Hello." She said shyly.

Swinging his arm forward, he revealed a beautiful rose bouquet, "Lunch?"

Heart beating faster, Jennifer looked at her boss and when he nodded, she whipped off her apron and walked swiftly around the counter.

"Be back in no more then two hours," her boss told her, "and don't be late, we have a lot to do to prepare for dinner!"

George and Jennifer walked out of the bakery hand in hand, and headed to a five star restaurant for lunch, "I'm surprised your boss let you leave, I didn't expect it to be that easy."

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