I Spy

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"You will be released tomorrow from the hospital." The nurse said, with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "I trust you will follow doctors orders when you get home so you won't have a relapse of this again."

Anthony stared at her, his eyes glittered with need, and when the nurse turned to leave his bedside, Anthony grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her close to him.

"Were you about to just leave me here and walk away?" He asked hoarsely, as his eyes bore into hers.

The young nurse swallowed, "I don't know what you mean."

"Yes you do," Anthony told her, and tightened his hold on her, "you want me just as much as I want you!"

The young nurse blushed and averted her eyes embarrassed by Anthony's words.

"Tell me I'm wrong and I will let you go." Anthony held his breath for her answer.

She shook her head and tears welled up in her eyes, "No you are not wrong."

Releasing a sigh of relief, Anthony pulled her closer to him and boldly kissed her. A soft moan escaped from her mouth and Anthony's tightened his hold on her, enjoying her lips on his.

Steven's eyes sparkled with laughter, as he observed his friend making a move on the nurse. Welcome back my friend, he thought, as he silently stepped away and walked to the waiting room down the hall.

He sat himself down and smiled to himself, happy that his friend was no longer sick about Claire. Good riddance, he thought, Claire was never good for Anthony and Steven still felt the guilt in his heart that he was the one that had introduced them.

When his iPhone rang, Steven pulled himself out of his thoughts and answered the call. It was Victoria and he wasn't sure how he would approach this friendship, but he knew for sure that he would never be with her anything more than just a friend.



"What's up?"

"Nothing really I was just thinking of you, and thought to call and say hello."

"How are you?" Steven wasn't too thrilled to talk with her, but he didn't want to sound disrespectful.

"I'm fine," she said, and then she asked, "would you like to go for a drink later?"

"I'm really not in the mood."

"Please," Victoria begged, "I'm not exactly happy today and I do need company."

Steven took an inhalation of breath before he answered, "ok fine I'll pick you up at eight."

Slipping his iPhone in his pocket, Steven stood up and walked back to Anthony's room. The nurse was still there having conversation with Anthony. She jumped up and immediately walked away when she witnessed Steven come into the room. Steven noticed her face was flushed when she walked by him and he smiled at her.

"You seem happy something happen that I should know about?" Steven teased.

Anthony shook his head, "Nope nothing!"

Pulling a chair next to Anthony's bed, Steven sat himself down and joked, "You look like the mouse who stole the cheese, are you keeping secrets?"

Rash Reckless Love book two Where stories live. Discover now