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It was a long hour to Massachusetts, and Steven was trying hard to calm his beating heart. He was on the verge of going crazy and he knew that he had to remain calm and collective when he confronted Abby.

"Excuse me sir," said the flight attendant, as she batted her eye lashes a few times flirtatiously, "please fasten your seat belt."

Steven flashed her a smile and immediately snapped his seat belt on.

"Would you be needing help with that?" The pretty flight attendant purred.

"I'm good, thank you." Steven's eyes glistened with laughter, but as soon as she walked away his smile faded and his eyes looked empty and void of life.

With only a few days left until Christmas Eve, Steven knew that he needed to have a much belated, serious talk with Abby. He was going to pour his heart out and tell her absolutely everything in his heart and hoped and prayed that she will feel the same way, otherwise he was doomed, for a life without her was no life at all!

He grabbed a cab from the airport and went straight to the address where Anthony had told him the condo was located, and if Jeff was home he was going to punch that bastard square in the face, he thought angrily.

He paid the driver when they reached the destination an hour later and then climbed out of the cab. Taking a deep breath, he then walked over to the building and opened the front door. Steven searched for Abby's name and rung the doorbell.


Abby had just finished bathing and slipped into her comfortable leggings and cashmere top, an outfit among many that Claire had gifted her. She grabbed the brush and was about to brush her wet hair when the doorbell rang. That's weird, she thought, did Claire and Jeff forget their keys? They had left a few hours ago to run some errands, but she wasn't feeling too well and stayed behind.

She pressed the button and buzzed them in and opened the door a crack, and then went back into the bathroom to comb her hair. A few minutes later when she was done, she walked out of the bathroom and froze in her steps.

In the sitting room stood Steven, six foot three inches tall, and two hundred and twenty pounds of rock solid muscle, thick, shoulder length, raven hair, dressed in Ralph Lauren jeans and tee shirt, and looking like a Greek God. His deep blue eyes were fixed on her, and her heart stopped and the room was spinning. Seconds later she was in Steven's possessive arms, as he walked over to the couch and gently placed her down.

Raw feelings of love and pain engulfed her and Abby was left speechless. What was Steven doing there, was she dreaming or was he really here?

Overwhelmed with desperation, Steven sat down next to her and just stared into her eyes for a long while, until finally he whispered her name, "Abby."

"What are you doing here?" She finally asked, as she tried to calm her beating heart.

"We need to talk." He said hoarsely, "it's something we should have done a long time ago."

Racing through her mind was the idea that he learned of the pregnancy and has come to convince her to give up the baby's once it was born. Jeff and Claire had warned her about that, and she immediately placed her hands on her stomach protectively.

"What do you want after all this time," her lips trembled, "why are you here?"

Steven took her hands in his and poured out his heart. "I love you Abby, I always have!" He told her, "I want you to come back with me to Jersey."

Abby pulled her hands out of Steven's hold, "Can you not see that I am with child?" She asked, "I am going to marry Jeff on Christmas Eve!" She told him. "You just can't walk back into my life and claim that you love me as if nothing has happened between us!"

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