Love and Pain

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Abby stared at her iPhone and stood frozen in time, as tears glided down her beautiful face. When she heard his voice with great difficulty she restrained herself not to speak. She just wanted to hear his beautiful voice. She almost spoke and revealed that it was her on the other line, but she was too scared to speak.

"Oh God help she." She whispered, and dropped on the floor crying her heart out.

She had missed him so much that it hurt, she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. It was at that moment that she felt something flutter in her stomach and her eyes flew wide open. Placing both hands on her small stomach she stopped breathing and waited.

Again there was a small fluttering across her belly, "Oh my God!" She laughed through her tears, and sat still again. When the little flutter was felt again, Abby was elated, she stood on her feet and called Jeff.

"Jeff I felt the baby!" She laughed, "it was one of the best experience of my life!"

There was a moment of silence on the other line before Jeff answered, "That's wonderful honey." He said, and swallowed back a lump in his throat, as jealousy rippled through him that it was Steven's baby's that she was feeling and not his.

"We should celebrate tonight," Abby said excitedly, "I can cook our favorite dish and we can open up that bottle of wine we have been saving!"

"I think I will take you and Claire out to dinner instead that way you don't have to mess with the kitchen," Jeff said, "would you like that?"

"I guess," Abby answered, "what time is Claire returning from her research?"

"She should be back about the same time as me, be ready to go when we arrive."

"Ok it's a deal." She told him before she hung up the phone and went to lay down on her bed.

Abby fell asleep with her hands on her stomach and happy tears in her eyes, Steven's child was growing inside of her and she felt blessed.


"Abby?" Claire called out excitedly, as she walked straight into the bedroom.

Her eyes fluttered open and a smile creased her face, "What time is it?"

"Time for you to get up Claire, Jeff will be here any minute to take us to dinner!"

Sitting on the bed next to Abby, Claire placed her hand on her stomach, "Think I can feel him too?"

Abby took her hand and placed it above her belly button, and they both held their breath and waited.

With eyes opened wide, Claire screamed, "Oh my God, was that him?"

"Or her." Abby smiled, "I've read that when the baby kicks for the first time, we should count four and a half months ahead and that is when the baby will be born."

"My beautiful Godson!" Claire chirped happily, "I can't wait I'm so excited!"

"You can't wait and are excited about what?" Jeff asked, as he walked into the bedroom, his eyes fell on Abby who was still laying on the bed, "what's going on?"

"Abby felt the baby kick!" Claire chirped happily.

Jeff shifted his gaze to where Abby lay, he hated the idea that she was pregnant with Steven's child and was secretly hoping she would abort the fetus, he wanted her to have his baby and not Steven's.

"Would you like to feel him?" Abby chimed, "it's the most beautiful feeling in the world!"

Jeff sat next to Abby on the bed, and she took his hand and placed it on her stomach, when he tried to say something, Abby said, "don't speak and don't move."

Rash Reckless Love book two Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora