Finally The Truth is Out

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A week later and Steven was still in shock. A million unanswered questioned plagued his mind and he couldn't concentrate. He was walking around like a zombie, he didn't talk, he didn't eat, he couldn't even think straight.

"You have to eat something!" Jacob argued, "you don't eat, you don't sleep, you don't speak!"

"It's all my fault!" Anthony said, "I did this!"

Jacob shook his head, "No you did what you had to do, it is not your fault. This is Abby's fault, she is the one that did this not you!"

Unable to concentrate, because his scattering thoughts were all over the place, Steven forced himself to speak, "Why would she do this, it doesn't make sense to me. If she loved me then why wouldn't she come to me and tell me she was pregnant, and why did she insist she loved Jeff and was having his a baby, it just doesn't make sense to me!"

"According to Claire, Abby thought that you didn't love her and that you would take her to court for custody, and she was petrified."

"I would have married her!" Steven yelled, "I loved her!"

"She didn't trust you," Jacob cut in and said, "maybe Claire or Jeff spoke against you!"

The word Claire set Steven off and he yelled his head off, "She knew about this and didn't tell me!"

"She was afraid to tell you and besides she was sworn to secrecy by Abby!" Anthony was quick to come to Claire's defense.

"Bullshit!" Steven yelled, "it would have been the right thing to do!"

"Calm down Steven or you'll give yourself a heart attack!" Jacob told him.

"I fucken lost three years of my sons life and you're telling me to calm down?" Steven looked like a crazy maniac, and when he grabbed the bottle of vodka that was displayed on the side table and threw it against the wall, everyone stared open mouth, as they watched the bottle break and the vodka splashed everywhere. Pieces of glass scattered across the floor, and Carol came running out of the bedroom scared and screaming.

"It's all right honey, go back inside the bedroom I'll be with you in a few minutes." Jacob told her.

"What happened?" She asked, horrified at the scene before her.

"I'll explain later, let me and Anthony handle this without interruption," Jacob said gently, "please go back inside the room."

Jacob waited until Carol walked back to the bedroom before he turned to face Steven and say, "You're out of control!" He yelled, "calm down and focus, breaking bottles and getting angry accomplishes nothing."

Anthony was already cleaning up the mess that Steven had made. He heard what Jacob was saying and agreed with him, but he didn't want to say anything feeling that he was partly to blame for Steven's pain. Truth was, he thought, as a best friend to Steven he should have told him the truth three years ago.

"What do you want me to do!" Steven yelled, "she stole three years of my life, I have loved that woman with all my heart and soul! I have tortured myself and suffered for three fucken years! She betrayed me over and over again, she destroyed my dreams and my future!" He went to Jacob and grabbed him by his shirt and shook him, "she took my child from me, I'm going to kill her!"

Alarmed, Anthony dropped everything and jumped to his feet and together with Jacob they settled Steven back on the couch. He looked like a raged crazy man, and they were scared out of their minds.

"She took away my happiness, she took away my child!" Steven roared, "she betrayed me!"

His friends watched in horror as Steven ripped his shirt and pulled his hair. They watched as he roared with pain and punched his chest with his fists. They watched as he cried out loud and cursed the day he was born. They watched until they couldn't take it anymore and then they took matters into their own hands.

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